
How do i tell if my boyfriend is HIV positive?



Whether someone is HIV positive or not is personal info. Like other health issues this is private and confidential.

Some people are happy to be open and talk about HIV. Others only tell people when they know and trust them. Even then, some people keep their HIV status private.

This is because there is still a lot of stigma and discrimination about HIV. If a relationship breaks up or people tell friends and family, the information can affect the HIV positive person.

Modern HIV treatment is very good.

If you want to know something about your boyfriend, you need to talk to each other.

The is just the same as if your boyfriend wanted to know personal details about you and your life. Some things you might want to talk about – and this is your right.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Deen, thanks. Your viral load is undetectable! So your partner is at zero risk. Please see here for more info:
    Given the science is now so strong, it can only benefit our lives if we tell the people closest to us. The biggest signal is that your partner is still with you – it is you who has the doubt. Please read the info at the link and become gentler on yourself. There are plenty of other things to overcome in a relationship – HIV doesn’t need to be one of them any more.

  2. Deen

    Good day all
    Im on meds undetectable, never got involve until 4months ago i met soulmate and struggled to tell him my status due to fear and didn’t want to stress him so i send him mesg i know he cried and he told me i was wrong to take a decision for him now he needs to go and test,but he is still with me and im not sleeping well,im even scared to breathe cause i feel i will lose him,he still do the things we did except we haven’t been intimate for week now and im scared of rejection i dont konw if i did right.