Q and A


Does activated charcoal interact with HIV drugs?

My mom lives in Zimbabwe and she is HIV positive.

She is currently on this medication: lamivudine (3TC) 150mg, stavudine (d4T) 30mg and nevirapine 200mg, which she takes as a single tablet twice a day.

She would like to know if taking activated charcoal as a detox agent in the afternoon will affect the medication she is on in a negative way.

I would be very happy if you reply soon. Ihave been sending her information via email for her to read and will recommend this website as well.


Thanks for posting your question.

There are no interactions between HIV drugs and activated charcoal, but if your mom wants to use this, she needs to tell her doctor first.

The general information at this link, cautions that activated charcoal may reduce absorption of healthy nutrients and vitamins. It is sometimes used to reduce drug levels in case of an overdose, but I worry that this might also reduce the active levels of drugs that you mom needs to fight the HIV.

I haven’t seen any studies that say activated charcoal can safely reduce the side effects of HIV drugs.

If you mom is having side effects, it is important that she speaks to her doctor about this, so that an alternative HIV drug can be prescribed, if this is important.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nopo,

    There are no interactions between HIV drugs and activated charcoal. But if a 15 yr old wants to use this, they need to tell their doctor first.

    It’s important to talk to the doctor and ask what can be causing the wrist pains.

    How is the 15 yr old’s HIV treatment going? What meds are they taking. And if you have access to CD4 and viral load results, please let us know.

  2. Nopo

    15 yr old has wrist pains can she take activated charcoal

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sharon,

    The body’s own organs, like the liver and kidneys, are great at getting rid of toxins. And eating a balanced healthy diet, taking exercise, and drinking plenty of water can help them do this. Please see this link to a balanced diet and your health. And this link to exercise and staying active.

    But are you having side effects from your HIV meds? Is that what you mean about detoxifying your body system? If so you can talk to the doctor about changing to meds that are easier for you to take.

    Please let us know what meds you’re on. And if you have access to your CD4 and viral load results, please tell us what they are.

  4. Sharon

    Hi, am positive, then how can I detoxify my body system?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Akwanga,

    The only thing that can help someone who has HIV is ARVs, this and only this works. Please see Q 2 here: http://i-base.info/qa/what-are-the-most-asked-questions

  6. Akwanga

    Please may I know if taking activated charcoal powder can be of help to an HIV AIDS patient that isn’t on antiretroviral drugs.
    Appreciate your rapid response on this

  7. Ve

    Hi My husband is positive, he used activated charcoal & the doctor said it could’ve interferred with his medication. Now we both have to get retested to make sure he is undectectable and I am still negative. I would be careful if your taking hiv medications.

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi George,

    Please see the above post.


    I am HIV also and would like to use activated charcaol

  10. diana

    Hi Simon, thank you very much for the reply, I found it helpful and will pass on your reply to my mom.
    I will definitely keep in touch as I have questions I need answers to, for myself and how best to deal with my mom’s diagnosis and how best to support her.


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