Q and A


Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe if I use chems like crystal meth, GHB or mephedrone?


Yes, the vaccines do not interact with drugs used for chemsex.

However, taking a break from the chems for the week of the vaccine will make it easier to know whether you get any side effects.

If the social context for using chems means you are having more partners, the protection from the vaccine will be especially important.

Also, if your current situation or pattern of chem use makes it difficult to have a break for a week, it is still a good idea to get the COVID vaccine as soon as it is available.

This is one of more than 65 questions about COVID vaccines. It was produced by and for people living with HIV.
Q&A on COVID vaccines: are they safe and effective?


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Glenda, please talk to your doctor about this. If the cough is still bad this might be a reason to test for COVID-19 first. If this is all okay then it is better to get a COVID-19 as soon as you can. The risks from COVID-19 are too serious not to get this protection.

  2. Glenda

    As a regular chems user and having a had pretty bad cough for about week..and its gotten worst..Should I still get vaccinated…

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Justin,

    As the above explains, it’s ok to have the Covid vaccines if you’re a meth user, you’ll be OK.

  4. Justin

    If I’m a meth user should I take the covid vaccine or will it kill me

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Triste,

    Please see the above post, there won’t be any interaction.

  6. Triste

    I used meth.. and got the moderns vaccine same day I used meth n after getting the vaccine will I be ok??

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi H – thanks for writing with your experience. I am sorry you are getting these reactions after the vaccine. This is more likely to be your bodies individual response though. It is not likely to be related to the meth and GHB.

    The range of vaccine responses can vary a lot. Some people get no symptoms and other are more unlucky and symptoms last a few days.

    As you are describing these as being very difficult, please contact your doctor or the vaccine centre. This will mean they can monitor you very closely. Although it is good for your doctor to know about all aspects of your health, if you are worried about confidentiality or don’t want to talk about meth and GHB, you do not have mention this.

  8. H

    I used meth and GHB the day before receiving the COVID-19 vaccination. It has been two days and the flulike symptoms that started immediately following the injection are barely getting better. I have achy skin and nausea and I haven’t felt this bad for a long time.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Dar,

    Please see the above post.

  10. Dar

    If I use meth a day before the phizer covid vaccine will I be okay


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