Q and A


Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe if I use chems like crystal meth, GHB or mephedrone?


Yes, the vaccines do not interact with drugs used for chemsex.

However, taking a break from the chems for the week of the vaccine will make it easier to know whether you get any side effects.

If the social context for using chems means you are having more partners, the protection from the vaccine will be especially important.

Also, if your current situation or pattern of chem use makes it difficult to have a break for a week, it is still a good idea to get the COVID vaccine as soon as it is available.

This is one of more than 65 questions about COVID vaccines. It was produced by and for people living with HIV.
Q&A on COVID vaccines: are they safe and effective?


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Brandi

    Thanks, all the COVID vaccine have been used by millions of people with heart disease. This is likely to include really large percentages of all the older people who were prioritised to use the vaccines early on.

    Practically everyone older than 70 or 80 is likely to have some riaks of heart disease – and a lot who are much younger.

    Anything that has increased your risk of heart disease is a real why the COVID vaccines are especially important. The vaccines will protect you.

  2. Brandi

    Would being a meth user of 8 years cause heart problems or Myocarditis if I end up taking the vaccine? As hundreds have been affected by heart problems after taking the vaccine and being healthy, I’m worried that it would be a major issue for meth users as heart rate is increased by this drug. So would this put us at a much more higher risk? I have found no such research or anything proving this or giving me solid answers.

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi C, thanks for your comment. Because there is so little research in this situation, the meth might increase the risk of these symptoms, or they may happen anyway. Nausea, vomiting and stomach cramps are also reported as potential side effects when meth is not used. You are right to be aware though. More importantly you are right that the vaccine will protect against COVID-19 which is much more serious than the side effects.

  4. C

    I’m not sure why you all are being told there are no effects if you use meth. Not truer if you use the day of expect severe flu like symptoms for at least 2-3 days, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting. Although they are manageable it does happen. But on the other hand, it’s better than getting COVID and dying!

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Joyce,

    No there won’t be an interaction. As noted in the post.

  6. joyce

    what if he uses meth today and have covid 19 vaccine tomorrow.. does it affects it.. just helping a friend..

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Third, the risk comes from having myocarditis and shooting meth.

    The COVID vaccine is irrelevant in this situation. Meth is the drug that is linked with many serious health problems. This probably includes higher risk if you caught COVID-19, which makes the vaccines even more important to take.

    Please don’t worry about the vaccines – these are really safe and effective.

  8. Third

    Just a technical question. What if someone who has gotten myocarditis (but who weren’t aware of it) went on to shoot meth within 2 weeks of his second covid vaccine dose, what is the most likely situation to happen?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Anthony, thanks – and great you are both going for the second vaccine. Please remember that it takes two weeks after the jab for protection to develop. It is important though that you have this. No safety problems have been reported between the vaccine and meth use – and no-one will have died. I am sure you will both be fine.

  10. Anthony

    Hi so i inject meth eveyday twice a day me and my bf are going for our jab on2 days from today. Are we going to be fine? Has any meth addicts died after getting the jab?


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