Q and A


Will viral load blip from meningitis vaccine put my partner at risk?

I’ve been undetectable on ART for 17 years.

If I get a vaccination for meningitis and a booster 8 weeks later will my viral load become detectable? Will this mean I am infectious?



Thanks – and congratulations for doing so well for so many years.

This shows how effective ART can be.

Any vaccine has the potential to have a small effect on viral load. If a blip does occur though it is likely to still stay very low.

For example going above 50 copies/mL but staying less than 200 copies/mL. This low-level blips will not put your partners at any risk.

Anyone who gets flu-like symptoms a day or two after a vaccine should probably wait a week of two before having sex.  This includes feeling much more tired or having a fever and is just a general caution.


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