Q and A


Will I have side effects when I start medication?

I am living with untreated hiv for past 1 year. I am scared to go to the doctor. Will ART worsen how things are for me right now? I have heard about side effects.


Thanks for getting in touch.

It’s very common to feel scared and anxious when starting ARVs. And though you may get some side effects, these are usually mild and only last a few weeks. Please see here: https://i-base.info/guides/starting

ARVs are important as they help control your HIV, without them your HIV won’t be under control.

If your CD4 is below 350 it’s important that you start medication ASAP. However, the recommendations are that even if your CD4 is above this, you should be on ARVs.

If you’re still worried, talking to others who are positive might help. Depending on where it is that you live, there should be a HIV support group.


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