Q and A


Is it OK to take Volutrip in the morning?

Is it OK to take volutrip in the morning instead of in the evening?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Volutrip can be taken at any time of day, so yes, if the mornings work for you, you can take them then.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Bella, Volutrip is not linked with causing urinary problems. Was this something you experienced before taking Volutrip? and how long have you been experiencing this?

  2. Bella

    Since taking Volutrip I had urinary problems I am having pains in the urethra drinking water is not helping

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Thando, are you also positive?

  4. Thando

    Can you have unprotected sex when you taking volutrip? My man is positive

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nelly, are you taking Volutrip? These are not side effects that you would expect. Have you spoken to a doctor about this?

  6. Nelly

    My ankles are swallow, my legs muscles are very sore and I have abnormal pain, not sure if I must continue with it. I got one week taking it

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Rita, Lavern does not cause false positives on drug tests. If Lavern was the reason for your result the lab test will be able to determine the reasoning for the positive and what happened with the urine test.

    Unfortunately I am unable to help with being booked to work as this will be an internal policy with who you work with. Have they told you how long you will have to wait before the results from the lab are returned?

  8. Rita

    At work my supervisor sent me to do medical and nurse check my urine said to me tested positive for drug i show her my lavem tablets sshe said they will send my urine to the lad so my question said if I took my lavem tablets my urine got drugs she said can’t booked to work until my urine result came back from the lab

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mandy, how long did it take for the pimples to appear after starting Volutrip? Are you experiencing any other symptoms? Any side effect associated with skin should mean that you seek assistance from a doctor.

  10. Mandy


    Since I have started taking volutrip I have an outbreak on my face, very painful pimples. Is it caused by the medication


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