
Is it safe to take supplements and ARVs while pregnant

Hi, is it safe toke pre omega and ARVs while pregnant?



As with everything to do with your pregnancy, please ask your doctor or clinic about everything.

Many vitamins of supplements will be fine.

Some, like folic acid, are recommended. And a few, like cod liver oil should not be used.

This is the UK NHS page with more info:

Please talk to your doctor or pharmacist about interactions between HIV meds and vitamins/supplements.

For example, Integrase inhibitors like dolutegravir need to be taken at a different time to supplements that include magnesium, aluminium and iron.


  1. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Pretty and thanks for the question.

    What ARVs are you on?

    If you are on TLD and you only take folic acid and vitamin B complex you don’t need to space them.
    If you are multivitamins too you need to space anything containing metals (iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium, etc.) by 6 hours.

    You can check yourself for interactions here:

    Please use the checker if you are not on TLD as every medication might have different interactions.

  2. Pretty

    If I take my arv treatment at 7 in the morning, what is the right time to take my pregnancy supplements?(folic acid and gulf)

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Phethokule, what weight gain supplements do you want to take?

  4. Phethokuhle

    hi i wanna take weight gain supplements and I’m hiv positive is it safe

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Blessing, yes you can take pregnacare tablets alongside your ARVs. Continuing with ARVs during pregnancy is safe for baby is health and the best way to keep both you and baby healthy.


    Hi can take ARVs along with pregnacare tablets, is it safe for the pregnancy?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nontokozo, congratulations on your pregnancy. If possible it would be best to get hold of your ARVs. Though I do understand if you are working far away this might be hard. 10 days is long enough for your viral load to rebound and will increase the risk of HIV transmission to your baby. But the risk will still be low if you start taking them again as soon as you can. Many women do not start ARV treatment until much later in their pregnancy and have HIV negative children. If there is any additional risk, you can discuss this with your doctor and further precautions can be taken.

  8. Nontokozo

    Hi am hiv positive and pregnant about 8 weeks and I forget my ARVs at home am at work fare from home so my question is will my unborn baby get infected if I do not take my ARVs pill about 10 days

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Precious, yes. Taking Folic acid is safe during pregnancy, usually only recommend for the first 12 weeks. In the UK, if you are on ARV’s that include Dolutegravir it is recommended you take a daily dose of 5 milligrams once daily. Otherwise it is recommended to take 400 micrograms once a day.

  10. Precious

    Hello.. I’m on my ARV’S and trying to get pregnant can I take folic acid to halp me


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