
Taking a double-dose of ART when pregnant plus other sores…

Does taking two pills of ARV’s a day can cause any harm to myself or my unborn baby? Can they heal sores on my vargina?


Hi there

I am not sure of your question so I will include two answers depending on the different possible circumstances.

  1. If your combination involves two pills, and your doctor told you this dose, then please do what the doctor recommends.
  2. If you are talking about taking an extra dose by mistake, then this is not a good idea. If you did this once though, there is no problem for either you or your baby. Please do not do this anymore.

For your other question, please talk to a doctor about the sores on your vagina. These will be caused by a different infection. This means they need a different treatment.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Zee – thanks – it is always good to know that you say the answer.

    Really important though that you realise that no-one at i-Base is a doctor. We are HIV positive treatment advocates. This service is only to help provide information.

    Everything should always be discussed with your own doctor or helth worker later :)

  2. Zee

    Thank you doc for your answer


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