Q and A


Risk of transmission, high BP and other side effects…

Hi, I am on HIV drugs since 2013 and my viral load is less than 20 copies/mL. 

Can I transmit HIV? What does that mean to my health?

Also my blood pressure (BP) has been going up. Can HIV drugs cause the hike in my BP Can HIV drugs cause health defects in different ways that my body works?


Hi there

Thanks for your questions and for letting us answer online.

First, if your viral load is now less than 20 copies/mL it mean that you cannot transmit HIV to sexual partners. This is because Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U). Please see this link for more info:

HIV meds can affect some body functions, but your doctor should be monitoring you for these.

For example, you should have blood tests every 6 to 12 months to check that your liver and kidneys are all still working well. Another test will check for cholesterol and blood sugar. This is to check your risk for diabetes or heart problems – although these are both caused by other things in your life than just HIV meds.

Luckily, HIV meds are not linked to changes in blood pressure.

If your blood pressure has increased, please ask your doctor about whether you need a different treatment to make sure this is under control again.


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