Q and A


Can I buy ARVs from a pharmacy without a prescription?

I am away a lot for work and find it hard to get to the clinic. Can I buy ARVs from the pharmacy? I live in South Africa.


Thanks for getting in touch and for letting us post your question online.

All countries are supposed to need a prescription to buy HIV drugs. This includes In South Africa.

In some countries you might be able to buy some meds over the counter without a prescription (even if it is not legal). If you can do this, please make sure that you buy exactly the same meds that you usually take.

If you’re having access issues, please talk to your doctor.

Explain your situation, ask to have a few months of meds, even up to six months. This is now common in many countries. Often this is because of COVID.

Things have changed now in many countries, including South Africa.

Instead of being given a month at a time it is more common to get med for 2-6 months.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nonhalanhla, where are you based? In the UK it would be possible to ask for an extended prescription of ARVs while you are away working.

  2. Nonhlanhla

    Can i buy arvs n how much r they im also away for work

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mabatloung, where are you? Different countries will have different costs for ARVs if you are intending to buy them privately. Is there a reason you cannot access free ARVs from a doctor/clinic?

  4. Mabatloung

    Want to buy ARVs how much do they cost

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lameck, is there a reason you are looking to buy ARVs? Are you unable to access them from a clinic?

  6. Lameck

    Hie it’s lameck we’re can I buy arvs

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mtho, how long have you been on this medication? It may take a little while for the effects to settle. Insomnia is usually managed by taking the medication in the morning.

    Dolutegravir is mixed with the others to provide a combination. Each can and do work individually, but a triple combination has been proven to have greater effect on the management of HIV. The combination prevents HIV drug resistance. The medications can be split, this is something you would need to discuss with your prescribing doctor.

    Appearances of medication is usually a matter of cost. Unfortunately the appearance of a medication is not considered an importance of the effectiveness of the drug. I understand how this can lead to stigma, though in a general population, people tend to not know what drugs do what. Have you considered a dosette box? You can remove your medication from their packages and keep them in an unlabelled box split into daily doses.

  8. Mtho

    Good day team.
    Which medication must I take when I have side effects of TLD: insomnia, nausea, and dizziness?
    Why the drug “D” is mixed with drug “T”and “L” is it cannot work alone?

    Why cannot change the appearance of ARVs maybe looks like capsules, have a beautiful color?
    Are very hard and making a noise so that everybody knows that you’re carrying ARVs all thse thing leads to stigma.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Dumie,

    All ARVs work the same way, you take them and they control your HIV.

    If you’ve been changed to another medication you should have been told why. The health care worker should also have explained to you how it works in terms of possible side effects.

    In many countries where there are high prevalence rates of HIV it’s common that patients are given whatever clinics have access to.

    If you live in South Africa people are being moved onto dolutegravir based regimes, these have less side effects than efavirenz.

    dolutegravir is also the new first line option as per the World Health Organisation.

    It’s not possible for us to say if you’ll be OK on a new combination as we don’t have access to your medical history.

  10. Dumie

    Why in clinics are giving the new Arv without explaining how it works. They are not giving us option they just tell you that you’re now changed to this new pill. They like deciding for us asking how many kids you have and give this pill. Is it okey.
    Thank you


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