
My wife is positive and I’m negative, how is this possible?

I’ve been married to my wife for three years, I’ve just found out that she’s HIV positive and has been the whole time we’ve been married. I’ve had a test and it’s negative, what should I do now?


Thanks for your email.

There are many reasons why you’re negative. If your wife is taking ARVs and her viral load is undetectable, there’s no risk to you, please see here:

If your wife isn’t taking medication or her viral load is detectable, you’ve basically been lucky. Please see Q5 here:

With regards to what should you do, for me to be able to answer that question I’ll need more detail. If you’re asking if it’s possible to be in a relationship with someone who is positive, the answer is yes.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ravi,

    Is there any reason why you’re not taking ARVs?

    If you’re positive you should be taking ARVs, this is more important if you have a low CD4 count.

    With regards to your wife testing negative when you’re not using ARVs, your wife has basically been lucky. If you continue to have sex with a detectable viral load, your wife is at risk.

  2. Ravi

    I’m positive but my wife is not get infection till then I’m not taking any medication