
Will changing from Atrozia to Lavern change my undetectable status?

I have been using Atroiza for a long time but at the clinic they gave me lavern. Can I use these tablets? My viral load is undetected so I’ve been taking good care of myself, will this change my undetectable status?


Hi, how are you doing?

Switching your HIV medication will not change your viral load as long as you remain compliant with your ART and take them as advised. There is no risk to you not remaining undetectable.

Do you know why the clinic has provided you with a new medication? If you are unsure, you can ask your healthcare provider and voice your concerns.

Lavern is a different combination to Atrozia and many countries are switching on the basis of fewer/more tolerable side effects.

Please do get in touch if you have any further questions,



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