
Access to HIV medication in the UK as a foreigner.

Hi. I am from the Philippines and planning to work in UK. I am HIV positive and I’m worried about my access to ARV medications once I move to the UK. I only have limited supply to bring when I arrive in London. How can I have access to ARV’s in UK as a foreigner?


Hi, how are you?

Access to ARV medication in the UK is free and easy to access as a foreigner. Finding a sexual health clinic in London is easy and you will be able to get ARVs from there. Bringing a supply of ARVs with you will help reduce the stress of finding a clinic immediately.

If you can bring along a summary of your medical notes from the Philippines, that too will help speed up the process. There is no need to contact anyone else other than the clinic.



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Annah, HIV meds are available free to anyone in the UK who is seen as an outpatient (ie not hospitalised). This depends on whether you are able to travel to the UK though and is you can get a visa to do this.

  2. Annah

    Hi am from Botswana I want to work in UK but am scared of where I can get my medications am hiv positive and diabetic will I get my medication for free as well.


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