
Do I need to take ARVs with food?

Hi guys, I have been HIV positive since 2008. When I found out I started taking my medication right away. Sometimes I miss a dose as I am not always working and I don’t have food to put on the table. This year I went back to the clinic and started my treatment again. I am scared because if I am not working and I am taking my ARVs, I eat too much. Why do clinics not have at least porridge so that in the morning I can eat before taking my treatment?


Hi, how are you doing?

I am glad to hear you have recently gone back to the clinic for your medication. Do you mind if I ask what ARVs you’re taking? There are many medications that do not require being taken with food.

As you are talking about access to food in South Africa alongside HIV medication, TAC might be able to offer more local advice.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask,



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi, how are you? Telatri is a generic version of TLD. TLD is a combination medication used to manage HIV. The combination includes nucleoside/nucleotide analogues. These prevent HIV from making genetic material. TLD also contains an integrase inhibitor. This prevents any genetic material that HIV does make from inserting itself into human DNA. More information on how these drugs work can be found here:

  2. Gift letwaba

    One of my cousin he drink this thing so I want telatri know how the way I work


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