Q and A


Question about Imuno CIII

I have been recently diagnosed as HIV+ and have been looking at alternative remedies online. My CD4 count is 350 and viral load about 20,000 so am not yet on any medication.

Have you heard of a remedy called Imuno CIII? I had it sent from America but it cost a lot of money. I also ordered a special tea which they call HIV fighter, have you heard of this also? and do you know if either have had any good results? I would really appreciate your feedback on this.

Thank you



I’m sorry to hear about your new diagnosis.

I have already posted an answer to a question about this product – see the comment and link to this question:

Will Chinese herbs increase my CD4 count? Can I wait for symptoms before starting treatment ?

I see nothing on the site that shows any reason to waste your money.

Unfortunately there are people who try to exploit vulnerable people online with unsubstantiated quack claims and this is one of them.


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