Q and A


I am HIV positive – can I still study for a PhD?


Thanks for your wonderful service. It is a good source of information especially to support people who are HIV positive.

I tested positive recently in 2010 and think I have been positive for less that 2yrs. By the time I tested positive I was in the process of enrolling for a PhD programme. I am now wondering, if it is worth it to start a PhD programme when I am positive? Would studying for a PhD put me under so much stress that my health would deteriorate?



Thank you for your question.

There is no reason why you shouldn’t continue with your PhD programme. Whether you are employed or studying there are always times in life when things get stressful. You cannot avoid all stress. It is true that excessive stress for prolonged periods can sometimes have an impact on the immune system. However, many people studying for a PhD do not find the programme stressful but fulfilling and satisfying.

If taking the PhD programme is what you really want to do then you should go ahead. There are various ways of managing stress should you find the programme stressful. You may find that by not doing it you feel frustrated and upset which could also cause increased levels of stress.

For further information on how to reduce stress please follow this link.


  1. Charlotte Walker

    Please see a full answer to this question by following this link

  2. srinivas

    I have been diagnosed HIV positive. In 2009 my CD4 count was 720 and my viral load was 840,000. My doctor advised no treatment but today my CD4 count was 130 and viral load undectable, should I start treatment with this CD4 count and undectable viral load?

  3. Charlotte Walker


    There is good news about life expectancy when you are HIV positive! Recent studies have found than positive people have a near normal life expectancy with the current drugs available. For more information about this study please follow this link. So there is no reason why you shouldn’t go for the PhD you have been offered.

  4. MJ

    Thanks for the feedback and the wonderful service,

    One of my worries is that I may not have so many years to live. Of course no one knows how long they are going to live but with being positive, I am more worried that my years are much less so that was one of the reason why I wonder whether 4 yr in a PhD program would be a good thing. Yes I like it (doing Phd) but I am worried. I am 27 now. I have been positive for about 1 year I think! Not yet on medication.



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