Q and A


Will I get resistance – or live to 50?

Hi Simon

First of all thanks for replying to my previous question I really appreciate it.

I have a question which I am sure you heard before but as an HIV-positive person I need to ask…

I am a 32 year old male, I don’t drink or smoke, and I like to eat very healthily and I have not started-treatment yet. I guess you know the question – will I reach 50?

Once I become resistant to all medicine available. does it mean the beginning of me dying?

thks again – Paolo


Hi Paolo

Resistance only develops if you have low levels of your drugs while the virus is still reproducing new copies of itself. This happens most easily if you are last or miss doses of your meds once you start treatment.

It can also develop if you were infected with a strain of HIV that is already resistant to treatment, and you then use one or more of those resistant drugs in your first combination. This is why resistance testing is rcommmended in the UK before starting treatment.

More about resistance is inclded in these two links:

How resistance stops your HIV treatment working


About resistance and adherence

A previous question asked about evidence for living a long life, and for your chance of reaching 50 – and you hopefully this answer may help.

Best wishes


  1. Paolo

    Many thanks Simon for your reply – your links are very usefull
    thanks again


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