Q and A


Do people on HIV medication have to give up work?

I understand that the majority of people taking HIV medication have to give up work or are unable to work? Is this true?

Whilst I am so thankful that we now have the option of such good medications it really scares me that I would have to give up my job. I work 9-5 so it’s not shifts and its office based if that makes any difference?


Thank you very much for your question.

There is no reason why someone who is HIV positive and taking medication has to stop working. Most people on medication have a very good quality of life and are perfectly healthy so there is little to prevent them from working.

Working shifts can make adhering to medication more difficult but many positive people have found a way to work around this and are managing to take their medication on time. Therefore whether you are working shifts or not, taking HIV medication will not stop you being able to work.

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