Q and A


When can I take Symfi with food?

I have been on ARV medication (TDF+3TC+EFV) once-a-day dose for over a month. I take my medication at 9 p.m.
What time should I have my usual light dinner?


Hi, how are you doing?

It is good you are taking this combination later in the evening. Your combination is known as Symfi. The two medications in this combination that interact with food are Efavirenz and Tenofovir.

Efavirenz should be taken on an empty stomach (2 hours after a meal) or not with a high fat meal. In Europe Tenofovir is recommended to be taken with or without food, but when starting treatment it is more important to take with food.

For a low fat meal there would be no restriction on when you can eat. If you would prefer something with a high fat content, eating at 7pm would suit you still taking your medication at 9pm.

If you have any more questions please get in touch,



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