
What happens if I miss a week of ARVs?

I have been on treatment for the last 8 months. I stopped my medication for a week and just did a viral load test, it says I have a viral load of 700000. I don’t understand.


Hi, how are you doing?

Do you mind if I asked why you missed a week? Adherence to a daily medication can be difficult and you might find a better way of managing it if you speak with a doctor.

For ARVs to be effective they need to be taken daily at the same time. This is because a constant level of the medication is required to be in your body to keep HIV suppressed. Missing a week of ARVs would allow the level of medication in your body to drop below a required amount. If it drops this low it will stop working and HIV will be able to replicate and increase its viral load. Here you can find out why taking ARV daily is important.

Missing a week means there is a chance HIV has gained resistance to your current medication. Taking ARVs until you are undetectable does not mean you can stop with taking them. ARV therapy will be required long-term to prevent the virus replicating. You may need to speak to your doctor about better ways to adhere to medication or if there is a more suitable combination.

If you have another question please get in touch,



  1. Ish

    Can it be transmittable within one week?

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nompumelelo, I am sorry to hear you have been feeling sick since starting treatment. Do you know what your CD4 count and viral load was before you started it? and do you happen to know what it is now?

    What is the name of the ARVs you are taking? and are you taking them daily at the same time?

    Can you described how you are feeling sick e.g., generally unwell, poor sleep, nightmares, changes during the day ect…

    What have you tried to help with feeling sick? and have you spoken to a doctor about what you can try?

  3. Nompumelelo

    Hy I just started taking arvs and it been 2months now and I’m very sick the whole day I don’t get a break I’m worried and this happened just afternoon starting the treatment

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ningi, please see this guide:

  5. Ningi

    Hi, I would like to know what is the danger of missing a day of ARV treatment, and can I take it again if I don’t remember whether I took them or not in that day?

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Linda, i-base is an HIV charity. We are not doctors and do not provide information outside of HIV treatment. Are you able to discuss this with your doctor?

  7. Linda Kaplan

    My Vidaza treatment for MDS is postponed for a week due to low white cell count which I hope will increase by then. Will this throw my WHOLE treatment process off?

  8. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nosipho, is this a problem you have had before? and what is the name of the ARVs you are taking? It may be suitable for you to crush them and put them in water so it will be easier for you to take them.

  9. Nosipho

    I haven’t drink my arvs for two weeks when I drink It I vomit because it’s stayed on my throat don’t want to go down even I drink a lot of water I became vomiting

  10. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Clara, smoking will not interact with ARVs. Smoking will not stop ARVs from working.


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