Q and A


Does PEP delay seroconversion?

Hi, I had an exposure in early October.

I took PEP (TDF + FTC + DTG) after 5 hours of the exposure. I did not accompany the doses with meals, I took them alone with water or some drink. Can this interfere or reduce its effectiveness?

Does PEP delay seroconversion in case of failure? At 5 weeks after finishing PEP swollen lymph glands in both armpit.


Hi, how are you doing?

PEP does have the potential to delay seroconversion.

As PEP works similar to medication used to manage HIV, PEP if unsuccessful can delay seroconversion.

This is why testing a minimum of 4 weeks after PEP is required. Seroconversion can occur 1-3 weeks after the course ends. Only 80% of those who do seroconvert in failed PEP will experience classical symptoms e.g., fatigue, fever, headache etc.

Five weeks after finishing PEP would be later than expected if this was really HIV. Swollen lymph nodes can arise from a number of infections, not only HIV. Is this symptom being managed by a doctor?

The combination you have taken can be consumed with or without food. This would not have impacted how well it worked as PEP.

If you have another question do ask,



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi John, these symptoms are not associated with HIV. It is too soon after ‘exposure’ to be caused by HIV.

    While on PEP any symptom of HIV would be delayed regardless but as you started PEP so early it makes your risk of HIV very low.

    For more information about testing and transmission please see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  2. John

    Good Day, This Is John Here A Really Scared And Confused 28 Year Old Male, Owing To An All Night Drinking Binge I’ve Made A Terrible Mistake, I Have Had Rough, Unprotected & Risky Sex. With A Woman Who Recently Tested Positive For HIV, The Said Women Hasn’t Been And Is Not On Any Treatment. The Incident Occurred On 25 Jan At 16:30 PM, I Passed Out And Was On Able To Get My First PEP (TLD Single Pill) 26 Jan At 10:08 AM The Next Day. I’ve Been Having A Cold Chills (A Fever), Weakness & Mental Confusion. Granted I May Have Just Caught The Flu While At The Local Clinic But My Symptoms Have Been Rather Severe I Mean I Don’t Normally Experience Muscle Pain. From South Africa. Goodness I’m Terrified Please Be Honest With Me!

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jason, for information about PEP please see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  4. Jason

    Hello i found out online that PEP works by stopping the virus from replicating after recent exposure and the cells originally infected with HIV die naturally within a short period of time, my question is after how long the infected cells die?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi, this is a very low risk for transmission if at all. You had used a condom for sex and there is no reason to think this person has HIV.

    You also started PEP as soon as you could which makes your risk even lower.

    These are not signs of seroconversion. PEP does not prevent common illnesses like the cold or covid which can also cause these symptoms. Another potential cause is stress which is very likely in this case.

    You can test now. A 4th generation test is conclusive from 6 weeks after the last dose of PEP.

    More information about testing and transmission can be found here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  6. Doug

    Hi, I had a potential exposure to hiv mid October 2023.

    It was with a prostitute an Asian who only after did I realise that the person was trans, she denied being trans and insisted she is biologically female.

    It was my first time having penetrative sex, I feel so betrayed

    The person put a condom on me (their own).

    I was given oral sex with the condom on and proceeded to have penetrative intercourse (with the same condom).

    I think it broke, I’m not sure.

    I was put on kocitaf (less than 72 hour after), cz I was worried.

    I completed the 30 day course on November 20 2023, (some days, I didn’t take pep at the same time but i did not miss a dose).

    Your forum says seuroconversion occurs 1-3 weeks after pep (if pep fails), some forums say between 3-6 months as all bodies respond differently.

    It’s been approximately 8 weeks since I completed kocitaf pep.

    By week 6 or so I had diarrhoea for about 4 days with a swollen lymph node under my one arm and tingling from head to thighs

    Today at approximately 8 weeks post kocitaf pep, I’ve been feeling a bit fatigued because of lack of sleep, with one little lump at the bottom of my jaw, close to my Adams apple, I’m feeling a bit feverish with mild diarrhoea…

    Could this possibly be seuroconversion/early hiv infection???

    Can I go for hiv testing 8 weeks post kocitaf pep???

    What’s the likelihood for hiv infection assuming kocitaf pep didn’t work for me due to a potentially compromised condom

    I didn’t mean for it to come to this please!

    I was sexually abused by an uncle and a teacher growing up and never could talk to girls. I’m socially awkward and weird, so I has the dumb idea to lose my virginity to a prostitute so I could feel what sex was like (with a biological woman) but now I could be sick with hiv

    I’m thinking of ending it, if I do test positive for hiv.

    I never wanted to suffer in my life but its all I’ve ever experienced I want to die to end my suffering. I have no one and nowhere to turn to

  7. Josh Peasegood

    hi Swaga, why do you want to extend your course of PEP? After 28 days there is no further benefit to continuing regardless of how long you have been on 2 or 3 drugs.

    PEP: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  8. Swaga

    I started pep two drugs for the first week then another Dr advised me to add third drug, I added them they became three drug, my question is can extend the dose for more than 28 day

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Thabo, no you did not need to see the doctor again. As you had already been on PEP you would have been protected from further exposures.

    As you had more than 2 doses left of PEP after the exposure, PEP will have worked like PrEP – meaning there was no risk from this second exposure.

    PEP: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  10. Thabo

    Good day.

    I got a possible exposure then went for pep with 72 hours, during pep I had a second exposure on day 24. I was then left with 4 pills I finished them was I suppose to go the the doctor again?
    Mind you I was on mythaladove ( LTD)


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