Q and A


Does PEP delay seroconversion?

Hi, I had an exposure in early October.

I took PEP (TDF + FTC + DTG) after 5 hours of the exposure. I did not accompany the doses with meals, I took them alone with water or some drink. Can this interfere or reduce its effectiveness?

Does PEP delay seroconversion in case of failure? At 5 weeks after finishing PEP swollen lymph glands in both armpit.


Hi, how are you doing?

PEP does have the potential to delay seroconversion.

As PEP works similar to medication used to manage HIV, PEP if unsuccessful can delay seroconversion.

This is why testing a minimum of 4 weeks after PEP is required. Seroconversion can occur 1-3 weeks after the course ends. Only 80% of those who do seroconvert in failed PEP will experience classical symptoms e.g., fatigue, fever, headache etc.

Five weeks after finishing PEP would be later than expected if this was really HIV. Swollen lymph nodes can arise from a number of infections, not only HIV. Is this symptom being managed by a doctor?

The combination you have taken can be consumed with or without food. This would not have impacted how well it worked as PEP.

If you have another question do ask,



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Harsh, for more information about transmission please see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  2. Harsh

    hi josh, i had kissed an hiv positive lady and i had gingivitus infection and from which pus is leaked already and wound over that. can i get hiv ? because her mouth has also sores and she was chewing something inside her mouth and that thing also came in my mouth?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Harsh, being late by 30 minutes is not going to change how effective PEP is.

    This is not seroconversion.

    More information about PEP can be found here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  4. Harsh

    hello doc,i had an exposure to the Hiv positive then after the 48 hours i took pep medicine(TLD) but at the15th day dose of pep i took that dose 30 minutes late, then after one day i got two swollen lymph nodes on neck below the ears and i had muscle pain, joint pain, extreme fatigue and tiredness, dizziness.
    i want to know that due to the late of taking 15th dose pep by 30 minutes, does the virus enters into my lymph node during that 30 min period of time.
    Am i seroconverting or pep fails? because even i am on pep and taking all 24 doses till now and only remaining 4 doses but i am experience all the symptoms of hiv during pep. does the pep fails to cover the hiv virus?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mike, as you had protected sex there was no risk of HIV. Your current symptoms are not HIV related and joint pain is not a side effect of PEP.

    Please see here for more information about testing and transmission: https://i-base.info/guides/testing

    As you have mentioned, your doctor informing you that you had arthritis is going to be the cause of the joint pains that you have described.

  6. Mike

    Hello I had protected sex but out of anxiety i went on pep,I finished pep,after about weeks I started having muscle and joint pains thou the healthcare did a text and said I have arthritis ,now I’m worried because of the pains and I have a mild diarrhea

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Alexia, pls see this link with info about PEP:

  8. Alexia

    I took TLE pep almost at the end of the course I started having stomach pain and joint . what could be the cause? Alexa

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi David, the FAQ link covers testing and the PEP link cover PEP:
    We don’t answer Qs about testing online but the linked info is very good and easy to read. You will trust the info you read and discover and learn about this way rather than us just giving yes and no answers :)

  10. David

    Hello this is david
    I tested negative at 4 weeks with an p24 ag/ab test and also tested negative at 6 weeks with the same blood from a vein test, is my results conclusive? And can i seroconvert later than 6 weeks?


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