
Does PEP delay seroconversion?

Hi, I had an exposure in early October.

I took PEP (TDF + FTC + DTG) after 5 hours of the exposure. I did not accompany the doses with meals, I took them alone with water or some drink. Can this interfere or reduce its effectiveness?

Does PEP delay seroconversion in case of failure? At 5 weeks after finishing PEP swollen lymph glands in both armpit.


Hi, how are you doing?

PEP does have the potential to delay seroconversion.

As PEP works similar to medication used to manage HIV, PEP if unsuccessful can delay seroconversion.

This is why testing a minimum of 4 weeks after PEP is required. Seroconversion can occur 1-3 weeks after the course ends. Only 80% of those who do seroconvert in failed PEP will experience classical symptoms e.g., fatigue, fever, headache etc.

Five weeks after finishing PEP would be later than expected if this was really HIV. Swollen lymph nodes can arise from a number of infections, not only HIV. Is this symptom being managed by a doctor?

The combination you have taken can be consumed with or without food. This would not have impacted how well it worked as PEP.

This links includes info that will answer other questions on PEP:



  1. Tonny

    Hi Josh

    I was sexually exposed with a person of unknown status and I took Pep 60 hours. After 2 weeks I develop almost all symptoms of HIV you can find on internet which was flue accompanied by diarrhea, lymph node in my right armpit, tiredness and soar throat which was not that serious. I went for a test on day 23 which I assume it was a rapid test and I tested negative. Does this means Pep has failed? I took Pep with consistency and I have never missed out a dose. I’m yet to to go for a test again

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi, please follow this link for more information:

  3. Ulan

    Hi, is seroconversion rash similar to pimples? Do they itch and form dark spots after healing

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ulan, unfortunately after 72 hours has no effect. PEP is also a course that only lasts 28 days. Why have you been continuing? Extending a course of PEP does not increase how effective it is. As you have taken PEP, you need to wait 6 weeks until you can test using a 4th generation antigen/antibody test. How is your partner doing after finding out they are positive? A sore throat is a very common problem. It is not only caused by HIV. As you are still taking treatment, HIV is not likely the cause of this. Have you spoken with a doctor as it has been ongoing for 2 weeks?

  5. Ulan

    Hi I had an unprotected sex with a partner who doesn’t know her status. A week later I took her for testing after which she was found hiv positive. I immediately started a course of pep. Am now in my 40th day on pep and I tested negative yesterday. However, I have been having sore throat for more than 2 weeks now. Am bothered

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Bob, what type of test did you do? A 4th generation test is conclusive from 42 days. If you used a 3rd generation test (these are usually the at home tests) you will need to test again from 90 days. 4th gen tests can usually e found at health clinics. Please follow this link for more information:

  7. Bob

    Hi i took pep and 56 days after pep i did a test which came out negative but i feel weak, my joints are also aching is my test conclucive

  8. Simon Collins

    Dear KK – pls read Q1 and Q8 here:

  9. KK

    Hi Josh/Simon, I had the following HIV 4th generation antigen-antibodies tests so far:

    8th day after PEP: index value=0.07
    35th day after PEP: index value=0.09
    42nd day after PEP: index value=0.17
    47th day after PEP: index value=0.23
    60th day after PEP: index value=0.37

    Each time the end result is HIV negative as the index value is less than 1. However, each time the index value is increasing. I’m afraid what if the index value keeps on increasing like this then some day it might go beyond 1, which would mean HIV positive !

    I’m really scared of this constant increase in the index value of my HIV 4th generation tests each time. Please share your expertise on this.

  10. Simon Collins

    Dear KK, your test shows you are HIV negative.