
I missed a dose of PEP.

Hi. I am taking PEP and I forgot to take my pill at the exact time I always take it. I remembered in 8 hrs and took the pill. Can I continue to take my pill the exact time I always take it? And does this reduce my chances of not getting HIV? Please help.


Hi, how are you doing?

Yes you can continue to take PEP at the usual time you do.

Although it is better to not miss any meds, if you do forget once or twice, this is unlikely to make much difference. Especially if these are doses towards the end of the month.

While it is not advised, missing a dose by a few hours is unlikely to cause a problem. PEP remains in the body for more than 24 hours. As you remembered tot take PEP, the levels within your body would have stayed at a biologically significant level.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:

If you have another question please ask,



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Fibudido, I am sorry that this service is only about HIV. Once you have missed most meds it is best to just continue taking them as usual and at the usual dose once you remember.

  2. Fibudido

    I miss my meds for 2 days and I’m not HIV

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Vuyani – this link has info on PEP: