Q and A


What are the side effects of Reydin?

Hi, my doctor gave me Reydin and I was drinking it at night at fist. My gums started bleeding and after that I had trouble concentrating. I also forget very easily. It is like I’m loosing my mind, what could be the problem?


Hi, how are you doing?

Reydin is a generic version of TLD. This link is to a previous question about all TLD side effects. Reydin does not cause bleeding gums. Have you mentioned this symptom to a doctor?

How are you sleeping at night? Reydin is often best tolerated when taken during the morning. It can cause problems sleeping. If this is the case it would explain why you are having trouble concentrating.

If you have any further questions do get in touch,



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mthandazo, Reydin does not cause penile discharge. Are you taking Reydin as treatment or as PEP?

    Any penile discharge should be checked by a doctor. Do you have any other symptoms e.g., pain on urination, fever, swollen lymph nodes around your genitals etc…?

  2. Mthandazo

    I started taking Reydin,and after 3 days i started having penitile discharge, what causes that? Please help must i stop taking it

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Siphesihle, what medication were you taking before this? and how high is your blood pressure?

  4. Siphesihle

    Since switching to this medication, I have noticed that my blood pressure is constantly high, can this be one of the side effects?


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