I missed a dose of ARVs while breastfeeding. Is my baby at risk?
26 January 2022. Related: Adherence, All topics, Children.
Hi, I missed taking my ARVs last night and I’m breastfeeding, will this affect my baby? The reason I missed my dose is because i’m visiting home so I left them at my place. Can I continue breastfeeding until my next dose tonight or must I take it immediately when I get them from the clinic?
Hi, how are you doing?
Congratulations on your new baby. Missing a single dose is not going to risk yours or your babies health. You can continue taking your ARVs as you normally do, there is no need to take an additional dose.
HIV medication remains active in the body longer than 24 hours. Missing a single dose is not a long enough time for the medication to stop working. It is also not enough time for HIV to start replicating. You can continue to breastfeed your baby in this time.
Hello Latino and many thanks for the question.
Congratulations on the new baby. Having a baby is great joy. You and your family must be very happy.
Every person responds differently to HIV and that is also true for viral rebound.
It could take a few days or it could take a few weeks, we don’t know.
The best results in breastfeeding are when both, mother and baby, are on medication.
If you will be away and off medication for more than a week, could you switch to formula milk?
It is important to take care of yourself first. Taking your medication keeps you healthy.
Is there someone you can talk about this? Your clinic or a friend?
Here is some more information about breastfeeding:
Please let us know if you need more information.
Hi. How long does a viral load take to rebound. Will my baby get infected if I continue breast feeding without me taking my medication but I still continue giving her medicine? She’s 3 months old
Hi Minentle, congratulations on having a baby. How old is baby? and is there a reason that you have not been on medication for the last 4 days?
What was your viral load before this? If it was undetectable there will be no risk to baby. From an undetectable viral load, it can take a week or longer for viral load to rebound. 4 days is not long enough to cause any risk to baby.
Is baby still taking their own medication?
hi I haven’t take my medication for 4 days and breastfeeding… my baby on a high risk?
Hi Jaja, congratulations on having a baby. No this will not put baby at risk. What is your viral load? If you had an undetectable viral load it can take more than a week for your viral load to rebound after stopping treatment. This means that these 3 days without treatment is not long enough for your viral load to go back up. It is still safe to breastfeed baby as you are waiting for your treatment.
Hello, I ran iut of arvs and is breastfeeding. It will take 3 days to refill since Im out of town. Is my baby at risk?
Hi Me, congratulations on having a baby. How old is baby? and are you on your won treatment?
I forgot to give my newborn his medication to prevent hiv what will happen
Hi Anonymous, no this has not put your baby at risk. Missing treatment for a couple of days is not long enough for your viral load to rebound. Your viral load will remain suppressed and there is no increased risk of transmission to baby.
Hi I haven’t taken my Hiv medication for 2 days and I’m breastfeeding reason why I didn’t take my medication is because I forgot my meds at home as I was away for the my baby at risk