Q and A


I finished PEP. Now I have symptoms?

3 days after finishing PEP I am having stomach pain and diarrhoea.


Hi, how are you doing?

Side effects from PEP would present while taking PEP. Now that you have finished taking PEP these symptoms would not be caused by your medication.

It is also too early for this to be a sign of seroconversion. A number of things can cause stomach pain and diarrhoea. PEP and HIV are not likely in this case. If your symptoms continue/worsen it is important you seek medical help.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Brax, have you noticed any other symptoms? night sweats alone are not suggestive of HIV. It would also be too early after PEP for these sweats to be caused by HIV. If the night sweats continue you should speak to a doctor about it.

  2. Brax

    Hi, I finished my pep treatment a week ago. But I have night sweats now

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi 2so, do you know the type of at home test you took? They are usually a 3rd generation test which is not suitable to use until 90 days after PEP. Are you able to have another lab test/get tested at a health clinic? A 4th generation test will be suitable to confirm your status as it has been more than 6 weeks since you finished PEP.

    Given the number of symptoms you have mentioned, have you spoken to a doctor about this?

  4. 2so

    Hey John ,the exposure happened on the 28th of May and its week 10 now since the exposure , I’ve tested twice after taking pep , one using the lab test and that was right after finishing my course and the second with a home test, two weeks after finishing my course . I’ve experienced night sweats and still experiencing that a bit

    Previous two weeks I’ve been experiencing bone pains and since I finished my course I’ve been dealing with body cramps and they’re painful especially when it’s cold. I went back to the clinic after my course and they gave me more pep pills which I did not drink because I haven’t been exposed since and I thought they would of no use since I’m not active since

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi 2so, is this the 7th week from exposure, or finishing PEP? and what type of test did you use?

  6. 2so

    Hi I’ve been taking pep and I’ve finished my course but I’m experiencing extreme peripheral neuropathy on my elbow and feet . And the gland under my chick is painful . Yesterday I had some night sweats so I do not really know what to do .because I did test on the 7th week it says non reactive but I’m expe9stuff

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi 2so, how long have you been experiencing this? and how long ago did you finish PEP?

    Have you spoken to a doctor about these symptoms?

  8. 2so

    Hi I’ve been taking pep and I’ve finished my course but I’m experiencing extreme peripheral neuropathy on my elbow and feet . And the gland under mi chick is painful .

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi John, how are you feeling now? Stomach problems 2-3 days after finishing PEP is not likely linked with PEP. This is because PEP would no longer be in your system and any side effect would have already been caused.

    Have you spoken to a doctor about this?

  10. John

    I have the exact same problem, around 2-3 days after the 28 day cycle I have had stomach ache/diarrhoea for 2/3 days so far – constant cramps


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