
Using expired ARVs

Lately I am using ARV Atripla that will expire in February 2022. I have to take this ARV until 14 March. Is it safe to use these during February and the two first weeks of march? Cause I have read that ARV have a short lifetime (18- 24 month).


Hi, how are you doing?

Are you able to get any ARVs to replace the ones that will expire? The biggest risk of taking expired ARVs is that it is no longer guaranteed that they will work as well as they usually do. A month after expiration is not likely to be a problem but it is important to be aware of this.

As a result of the potentially reduced efficacy there is a slight risk of HIV drug resistance. However this is a very small risk. Taking expired ARVs will be of more benefit than of taking none.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sally, meds from 2001 are very unlikely to still work. Are they still the same medication you are taking now? and are you able to go to a clinic to get more?

  2. Sally

    I’m 67 yrs old and forget to take my Meds. I have unopened boxes from 2001 are they still good

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jay, there is no risk to taking either. After their expiration the medication may not work quite as well as guaranteed but it will still work.

    Most drugs are licensed to work to 90% efficacy. This means expiration is worked out after how long until the drug goes from 100% to 90%. This is usually caused by temperature and water damage. After the expiration the drug could be 89% effective but it is still going to be effective.

  4. jay

    hello i have been given 2 bottles of arvs one will be expired on 8/2022 which is 11 days away and the other expired on 9/2022 which is a month away. i want to make sure there isnt any risk involved if i take the two bottles. is it unsafe to take the one that will be expiring in 11 days and the other one that will be expiring in september which is in a little over a month…

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Leah, have you spoken to the prescribing doctor about switching? and where are you? recommendations will change depending on where you are in the world.

  6. leah

    I work with children who are HIV +. we have to discontinue Lopinavir/Ritonavir. Choices are : Tenofovir/ lamivudine/Dolutegravir or Truvada +Atazanavir or zidovudine/lamivudine

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mo, why is the hospital refusing to give you anymore medication? As the drug is expiring at the end of this month they should be giving you a new prescription.

    If this hospital is being difficult, do you have access to any other health clinics/hospitals that would be able to provide in-date medication during this interim?

    As for risk, I would refer to the main answer in this thread. While there is some risk that the medication will not work as well, it would still be better to take the expired medication than it would be to not take any at all.

  8. Mo

    I have a question i have tivicay and it’s expired date is 4 /2022 … But i have to take it until 06 /2022 so there’s any risk in this and unfortunately the hospital refused to give me another one wiz new expired date

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Green, yes it is. Expiration of medication is until the end of the month for which it states.

  10. Green

    Thank you for your answer. And an aditional one: it is written that the expire date is ” February 2022″. It is safely to taje then until 28 february??


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