Q and A


I am experiencing potential symptoms while on PEP.

Hello, I had an exposure on 02/26 (insertive, no condom). I started PEP within 4 hours of the exposure. It’s been 10 days since then and I have some allergy symptoms: sporadic runny nose and some mild itching.

Living in the US, it is common to have allergies during this season (Spring), and I don’t think these symptoms (as I said, they are mild) are related to PEP or the exposure (even when internally I’m panicking). Do you think they could be related to a side effect of PEP, or worse? and may I take Allegra (Fexofenadine HCI 180mg) to calm those symptoms?

I really appreciate your help.


Hi, how are you doing?

What medication are you taking for PEP? If you are on a combination that is tenofovir DF + emtricitabine + raltegravir OR dolutegravir, there is no interaction with fexofenadine – it is safe to take both together.

As you have mentioned, hay fever is common in the US in Spring. It is much more likely that this is just that instead of anything else. Also, these symptoms are very mild and in combination is very suggestive of hay fever. It is not likely this is HIV. You are on PEP and being the insertive parter would further reduce your risk.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tim, acute tonsillitis is not seroconversion. As you have mentioned these are all signs suggestive of bacterial tonsillitis which has been treated. Tonsillitis is a common condition. With the symptoms you have it suggests only tonsillitis and not HIV.

  2. tim

    thank you Josh
    so it can’t be seroconversion symptoms during my pep time (even i finished on 6/26, the second acute tonsillitis was start 6/25?)
    and acute tonsillitis are not seroconversion symptoms casue by hiv right?
    My fever (38.5~39) and Swollen lymph glands come with acute tonsillitis so its not because the seroconversion right?
    sorry for asking so manytime
    this will be the last question

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tim, this is a small impact if anything. While on PEP, even if it had failed you would not be experiencing seroconversion symptoms throughout the course. This is because PEP will suppress any HIV in your body.

  4. tim

    thank you Josh
    your reply helps
    since i had expose,i’m always in a state of anxiety and didnt sleep well
    so my another qusetion is, since i was on pep on time( 15h, on time every day with mabe 2~3day late about 2~3h) , it can’t be seroconversion symptoms right?
    i was worried about the supplements i took Interact one of the drug “Bic”
    which have some low among divalent metal as sub-ingredients or excipients
    Will it have a big impact to let seroconversion happend?
    or other 2 drugs still can stop seroconversion when on pep?
    or it just a small impact,
    sorry for being annoying.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tim, acute tonsillitis is not a sign of seroconversion.

  6. tim

    i have twice acute tonsillitis when i on my pep
    i start pep on 5/13, but i have another posibble expose on 5/27 so i extent my pep till 6/26
    but i got acute tonsillitis on 6/9 and 6/25
    i am really worried that these was seroconversion symptoms
    i do see the doctor they said it was Bacterial infections so they gave me antibiotic (it did works), but since they didnt run any test…im still worry
    *im using biktarvy on 15h after expose. i might took it several time with supplements that have some low among divalent metal as sub-ingredients or excipients (mostly seperate 2h or more)

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Richard, PEP needs to include at least three HIV drugs. Dolutegravir by itself cannot be used as PEP, it can only be used in combination with two other drugs. Please see this link for more information about PEP:

  8. Richard Holmes

    Hi I would like to know if dolutegravir can be use as pep.. to prevent HIV after exposure.

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mark, a course of PEP is usually 28 days. You took PEP for the required amount of time. There would have been no benefit from taking the adiditonal two pills.

  10. Mark

    I had an exposure and started pep after 19hrs.Been taking tld for 28 days once a day and stopped,although I was given 30 tablets, didn’t take the remaining two.
    Is there any risk of pep failure?,was I wrong not to complete 30 days


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