
Does marijuana effect Biktarvy?

What happens if I smoke marijuana while under ART treatment, especially with Biktarvy?


Hi, how are you doing?

There are no interactions between Biktarvy and marijuana.

The psychoactive component of marijuana is tetrahydrocannibnol. How this and Biktavy is handled by the body is different. Neither of them interact with the other.

The level of Biktary your body absorbs will not be affected by smoking marijuana.

While there is no direct interaction, if smoking marijuana is effecting your memory, there may be a problem with taking Biktarvy daily and the level of Biktary in your body may change.



  1. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello again Ashley,

    we cannot advise you to use or not any drugs.

    Marijuana has short and long term effects and health risks.

    We are specialising in HIV treatments and can only give you information about that.

  2. Ashley

    So I can smoke marijuana while on the medication

  3. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Ashley and thanks for getting in touch.

    Marijuana doesn’t interact with Biktarvy.

    You can always check for interactions here:

  4. Ashley

    Can I smoke marijuana? I have been taking biktarvy. Will that effect my progress?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi David, there will still be no interaction between cannabis and Biktarvy. This is regardless of how you take cannabis.

  6. David

    Hmm. Anyone know about liver interactions? I take Biktarvy and want to switch to edible cannabis because smoking is not good, but now I wonder, will it impact the liver absorption?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Matthew, your doctor is correct. Biktarvy does not cause psychosis.

  8. Matthew

    I take Biktarvy daily and consumed an edible marijuana chocolate and had an unexplainable psychotic episode.
    Doctor thinks the episode was linked only to the usage of the marijuana. As I haven’t had any episodes while just taking Biktarvy.


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