Q and A


Can I switch taking PEP from the evening to the morning?

I am very stressed out here. I’m taking TLD as PEP in the night, will it be effective and can I change to the morning because I have left 13 tablets left to take?


Hi, how are you doing?

Yes you can switch the time of your medication. It will not change how effective it is.

TLD is often better tolerated in the morning so this might be easier for you.

If you take your next dose in the evening as expected, then the next morning take an additional dose you can then keep taking TLD in the morning. You may experience slightly heavier side effects for this day while you have ‘extra’ TLD in tour body but this will not last long.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Carab, yes your PEP will still work. 2 drugs is suitable to be used as PEP and is effective. It is recommended to use 3 drugs when available but this is based on little evidence and is more for completion. Having 3 drugs does change the effectiveness of PEP.

  2. Carab

    Hello friends! I really need advice. After exposure within 6hours I started to take Tenofovir and Lamivudine 300/300mg. But then on the 80th hour after exposure I realized I need a 3rd drug for effective PEP. And I started to take + dolutegravir 50mg (1 pill TLD). Will my PEP still work?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Marjen, yes you are taking it correctly. As long as you are taking it at the same time each day, you are taking PEP right. Have you experienced any side effects? Depending on what you take it may be better to take PEP in the morning/evening, though if you are currently doing alright there would be no reason to change.

  4. Marjen

    I take PEP at 2pm daily. I’m on day 15. Am I taking it at the right time? Please advice.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Collins, this needs to be a discussion with your nurse/doctor. i-base are not doctors and can only provide information about HIV. Unfortunately we cannot offer advise and suggestions about other health problems.

  6. Collins

    I noticed my blood sugar is getting high, the first day it was 113 second day 124 what do I do?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tom, if you are doing this every day it will risk PEP not being as effective. Is there a reason you are not taking it at the same time each day?

  8. tom

    hi josh,

    I was given pep and i m not taking it exactly the same time everyday, but it’s always after dinner, for instance i have dinner at 9pm and i took pep, but the next day i may have dinnner around 5pm then i took pep, does it compromise the effectiveness of pep?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Katongo, you can continue taking PEP at 22:00. Having one day 20 minutes early is not going to change the effectiveness of PEP.


    I was given pep,I was taking around 22:00but due to circumstances I took around 21:40 so does it mean that I have to maintain the same time


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