Q and A


Can I switch taking PEP from the evening to the morning?

I am very stressed out here. I’m taking TLD as PEP in the night, will it be effective and can I change to the morning because I have left 13 tablets left to take?


Hi, how are you doing?

Yes you can switch the time of your medication. It will not change how effective it is.

TLD is often better tolerated in the morning so this might be easier for you.

If you take your next dose in the evening as expected, then the next morning take an additional dose you can then keep taking TLD in the morning. You may experience slightly heavier side effects for this day while you have ‘extra’ TLD in tour body but this will not last long.



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Owen – thanks – all your Qs about PEP are answered at this link:

  2. Owen

    Good evening, I started taking pep within72, right now I’m feeling some sort of tiny pain in my mouth in the upper layer. Is it a sign of the virus

    2: I started taking pep At 3:13pm today it took it at 3:05
    Did change or affect my medication.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Peter, yes you can. Take PEP as normal in the afternoon and then the following morning take PEP. This will mean you have a slightly higher level of PEP in your body for a short while but this isn’t an issue. You can then continue with PEP in the morning as normal.

  4. Peter

    Can I change my schedule of taking pep from the afternoon to the morning

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Matt, yes it is okay that you take them at the same time.

    Do you know the name of the other treatment for Chlamydia? and the name of PEP? Some medications do have interactions. Have you already mentioned to your doctor that you are on PEP? They should check for any interactions before prescribing you both of these medications.

    No you do not need to avoid. If you are feeling healthy and up to the 10k there is no reason not to partake in it.

  6. Matt

    Hi, l just started my PEP, l got 2 different pills to take each day. Is it ok if l take them at same time?

    Second question – if in next days there are other std showing (namely chlamidia) and if l get additional treatment, how is this affecting PEP treatment.

    Final question – l am registered for trail 10k course (mountain run) that is due in 3 days. Is this something to avoid in these circumstances? Is my body needing extra rest or even bit more intense activitiy is fine?

    Thank you so much!

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi M.J, PEP can cause side effects. In most people these are not significant and over time people will find these effects get less. If you notice they are not getting better or they are having a significant effect please speak to your doctor.

  8. M.J

    Can short term pep cause organ damage. Because I’m experiencing lots of side effects. Such as abdominal cramps and nausea, little bit of fatigue too. I’m supposed to be on it for 28 days.

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ann, no you do not need to be worried. While on PEP, the treatment will work like PrEP. You are protected from further exposures for the duration of the course.

  10. Ann

    Hi, I started PEP on 5th of May , on 10th and on 19th I had unprotected..I was worried…finish PEP on 29th May..on 30th I tested again Negative….I am now on PREP after considering my situations…should i still be worried due to how was exposed again and again while on PEP


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