Q and A


Is a viral load of 52 considered undetectable?

I tested positive 3 years ago, take Biktarvy daily. However last 3 6 monthly tests a ‘blip’ in results, albeit 2nd blood test then shows undetectable. Latest test (16thMarch) shows viral load at 52, so technically detectable, still waiting to do 2nd test. Does this mean I’m infectious and could pass on HIV and I couldn’t say to a new partner I’m undetectable?

I adhere religiously to my meds, no other health conditions, eat well, exercise, don’t smoke

What am I doing wrong
Rather than getting concerned I’m getting annoyed
As we age do ARV’s become less effective


Hi, how are you doing?

You are still considered undetectable and U=U still applies. U=U considers an undetectable viral load to be below 200. You cannot pass on HIV to a new partner.

You are doing nothing wrong. You are taking Biktarvy daily which is all you need to be doing. It is also encouraging that you lead such a healthy lifestyle.

A blip can be caused by a few things – vaccine, infection, random. It is possible that this was also a lab error. As the second test returned to undetectable this is not a cause for concern.

It is also possible that the test is more sensitive than it previously was. This could mean now the test records up to 50, whereas previously it only tested up to 100. In this instance, your viral load has not changed but instead the sensitivity of the test has increased.



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