Q and A


Will PEP work for a second time?

I had unprotected sex with a sex partner, then I was on PEP (Reydin) and completed my course on 1st April 2022.

Then, after 4 days, on the 6th April 2022, I then paid a woman to have sex with me who assured me that she was HIV negative. The following day I asked her to test with me and she tested positive and I tested negative.

She didn’t seem worried by her HIV + status. Then I went to my medical doctor who put me on Acriptega (TLD). What are my chances to remain safe?



How is this women doing? Do you know if she has access to treatment and support?

No one has the right to make another person take an HIV test. This is unethical and could be seen as abuse.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Conny, it is great that you have tested negative but a 4th generation test is not conclusive so soon after finishing PEP. While it is a good sign, you need to wait 6 weeks before the result is accurate. This is because testing before this HIV may not have stimulated the right response by the body to be detected.

    As both you and your partner have tested negative (more so your partner) there would be no reason to continue with PEP. Do you have reason to think that she may be positive? While PEP is effective, prevention is more so. Have you considered taking PrEP? You can do this daily or on-demand. It contains fewer drugs than PEP but is more effective at preventing HIV. PrEP: https://i-base.info/guides/prep

  2. Conny

    Hi Simon

    Is conny again, on 27th I had unprotected sex with my side chick, We tested before we had unprotected sex. We both tested negative.

    Then 30 May 2022, I went to a doctor to get PEP for incase she might be on a window period, should I continue taking PEP or discontinue it because she is negative.

    I find my self getting addicted to taking PEP even if there is no risk

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ivan, I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Have you been to see a doctor about this yet?

    When did you start PEP? Starting within 72 hours is the recommendation and starting earlier than this is better. If within 72 hours PEP has an effectiveness around 80%. So this does mean PEP does not always work.

    The symptoms you have can be a sign of many things, not only HIV. To be sure you will need an HIV test. However after PEP a negative result is not accurate until 6 weeks. Before this, testing positive would be accurate. Are you able to access a HIV test?

  4. Ivan

    Hi there ,
    It’s been 3 weeks since I finished taking PEP.
    I was prescribed to use RANEGA LTD . after that I had flu and sore throat , then recently my body is itching on my shoulder, arms , back neck, leg and chest.
    So I haven’t went for an HIV TEST yet but I’m a bit nervous with this situation.
    What can be the chance for a PEP failure , because I develop these symptoms especially after I’m done using PEP over a period of 28 days .

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Conny, even if you are HIV positive, the PEP would have kept your viral load low. In this case you partner is not likely to be at risk. PEP is usually very effective though, so your test in 6 weeks time is very likely to be negative. Until then, please find a way to not put your partner at risk.

  6. Conny

    Please help, I had unprotected sex with my side girlfriend on the last day of PEP 28th day. Is she exposed to HIV as I have been on PEP for full 28 days taking medication at the same time.

    She is negative and I am really not a good person, I won’t forgive my self if I have infected her.

    Please help with clarity

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi anonymous

    Thanks you for thinking about the way I replied to your question.

    And it is good that you also stayed in contact to check she was okay.

    Finding you are HIV positive means you can use treatment earlier, so is medically a good thing. But it is also still a shock for most people, especially if this was not expected.

    It can also be a lonely and isolating time if someone is dealing with this on their own.

    PEP will be just as effective the second times you use it. Also for as many times as you use it in the future.

    You might find that PrEP would be a better option though.

    Most men are able to use 2:1:1 dosing. This means you just use PrEP when you know you will have sex.

  8. anonymous

    I understood your point of correction and you are right, I shouldn’t have handled the situation the way I did.

    Let me point out few things to clear this out

    1. Before we had sex, I wanted to use condoms and said no we can have without condom she is hiv negative and tested a month ago
    2. After I had sex with her, something just told me to get test kits and I get PEP Treatment
    3. I asked her to test with me and she agreed and that is where she tested positive and I tested negative
    4. I didn’t freak out at her after a week she showed me her absolute CD4 which was 1010 but didn’t have her viral load result.
    5. She told me she is a casual sex worker since she is not working and doesn’t know whow she contracted the HIV as she always used condoms.
    6. I am currently trying to assist her get employment to leave sex trade market and lead a positive life.

    So all I wanted to ask was is PEP going to be affective if taken again after 4 days of completion because of new HIV exposure.

    I hope times I was not insensitive with my question or my story.

    Hoping for positive response.


  9. Simon Collins

    Dear never/anonymous, this service is firstly about the health and care of people living with HIV. When you posted your example of how you treated your partner, I first want to make sure that your previous partner is okay.

    Her life will have been change because of your insecurity. You didn’t think of her health before you has sex, or afterwards – just on yourself.

    Depending on how you reply to these points, I may or may not continue the discussion.

    Please read this link to understand these issues – and to find that your question is already answered online:

  10. Never answered my question

    You failed to answer my question. You only focused to point out “No one has the right to make another person take an HIV test. This is unethical and could be seen as abuse.” What about answering my initial question?


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