Can I restart ART now if I stopped five years ago?
30 April 2022. Related: All topics, Southern Africa, Starting treatment.
Hi, I stopped taking my ARV treatment 5 years ago and am thinking of starting it again.
How dangerous can is this?
Hi there
Even without knowing more details, it is a really good idea that you want to start ARVs again (now called ART).
Please contact your doctor or clinic. They will be pleased to hear from you and to know you are okay.
Have you still been monitored for your CD4 count over the last five years? If not, it is important to do this now. You might need to restart ART urgently if your CD4 count has dropped a lot.
If you are now living in a different region, just register at a new clinic. But please tell the new clinic about your HIV history. They should also contact your old clinic for your records.
I wondered why you stopped five years ago.
The doctor will also want to understand the reasons you stopped too. This is so you can get more support this time. If you stopped because of side effects, there might be newer meds to chose from now.
I hope that you do start again – this is important for your long-term health.
Beet wishes