Q and A


Is it safe to continue breastfeeding until 2 years old?

I’m HIV positive and taking ARVs. I’m breastfeeding and I was told at the clinic I can breastfeed until my baby is 2 years old as long I’m taking my pills right and my baby is on co-trimoxazole oral suspension.

My question is how safe it is to continue breastfeeding? My son is 1 year and 2 months, he is teething and sometimes he gets a cut inside his mouth. They say breast milk has HIV, is there any risk?


Hi, how are you doing?

Congratulations on having a baby.

Yes it isa safe to continue to breastfeed your baby. As you are on medication yourself, there is no benefit for baby to continue taking their own HIV treatment after the maximum 12 weeks.

This is because your viral load is suppressed by your own medication. It is good that baby is continuing with co-trimoxazole. This is a medication used to prevent other medications that they may be at risk of other than HIV.

After 6 months it is safe to mix feed. You can reduce the risk by using formula/solid foods on days when baby is bleeding because of teething. Though this might not be needed. Saliva has antiviral properties that makes it difficult for HIV to exist.



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