Q and A


Does U=U apply if you have a tear during sex?

Hi guys, I took some interests in the U=U goal and I had some question marks in this breakthrough. My main interest is that since U=U reduces the risks of transmission to zero, what of in circumstances where during sex there is a tear, and we know sex sometimes can be like that, isn’t that a risk for exposure or it still remains the same U=U?


Hi, how are you?

U=U only applies to sex. It does not apply to other forms of HIV transmission – including direct blood contact. While U=U for other forms of transmission significantly reduces risk, evidence is more sparse to show its effectiveness.

However, the evidence base for U=U between two PARTNER studies involved serodifferent couples having sex 135000 times. There was no instant of transmission for all types of sex between both hetero- and homosexual couples.

Tears would be expected in this number of sexual encounters. For this reason there is greater evidence to suggest that U=U will still apply even when tears occur during sex than not.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Trx, congratulations on your pregnancy. Your viral load is excellent. This is the least risk possible when living with HIV. Continuing with your medication will ensure there is almost no risk to baby. After birth baby will also be given their own medication to further reduce their risk.

    Many HIV positive women all over the world give birth to healthy, HIV negative babies. As your viral load is so low there is no reason to suggest your child will not be HIV negative.

  2. Trx

    I feel pregnant 3 months after I met my BF ND I didn’t tell him my status ND my viral load was 25 is there any transmission


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