
Can I restart my medication in South Africa?

I’m a 34 year old female based in Mpumalanga. I stopped taking my ARVs last year, January and would like to restart. I am however not comfortable with using my previous clinic. I do however have a file at another facility with my HIV history. Can I make use of that one instead?


Hi, how are you?

It is great to hear that you are wanting to restart your ARVs. Can I ask why you stopped in the first place?

Have you contacted this second facility about restarting? As i-base is UK based I am unsure of the technicality but I don’t see why starting treatment at this other clinic would be a problem.

Tac is a charity based in South Africa that is similar to i-base and may offer more suitable advice for your situation.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Xolani, do you want to be on treatment yourself? and what about being on treatment does your partner not feel ready for?

    Do you both know your CD4 count and viral loads?

    How have you been dealing with being HIV positive? Have you been able to talk to anyone e.g., friends/family, your doctor, or have you found any peer support groups?

    How is yours and your partners health in general?

  2. Xolani

    I stopped taking treatment because of my partner cause she also stopped she said she is not ready and not believing that she is eating treatment.


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