Q and A


Why has my platelet count fallen?

I’m 3 weeks through a PEP course (tested -ve at the start of the course) and I’ve stupidly (because of insane anxiety) paid for a private blood test which has shown my platelet levels to be just under the bottom range. All other tests are fine. Could an acute/seroconversion be causing this at such an early stage? I’ve had no problems for the 3 weeks (other than massive anxiety).


Hi, how are you doing?

No. A slightly low platelet count will not be the result of acute seroconversion. it would also be likely that you’d be experiencing a number of symptoms if you were.

Have you had a blood test recently? A platelet count just out of range is not going to cause clinical signs to suggest testing. it is possible that you have a generally lower than normal platelet count – but this can be normal for you. It just happens that you have discovered this incidentally.



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