
What is a normal CD4 count, CD4% and CD4:CD8 ratio?


After finding out you are HIV positive, your doctor will run several blood tests.

One will be for your immune system and will include your CD4 and CD8 count. Of these, the CD4 count is the most important main result but the CD4% and CD4:CD8 ratio are also sometimes useful.

This Q&A include information about these cels and about interpreting the test results.

CD4 cells are a type of blood cell that is part of your immune system. They are a type of white blood cell (lymphocyte). CD4 cells are sometimes called T-helper cells or T-cells

There are two main types of T-cells.

  1. CD4 cells, also called T4 cells, are “helper” cells. They lead the attack against infections.
  2. CD8 cells, (T8 cells), are “suppressor” cells that complete the immune response. CD8+ cells can also be “killer” cells that kill cancer cells and other cells that are infected by a virus.

CD4 and CD8 counts

The normal ranges for CD4 and CD8 counts vary depending on the lab and test. On average, the normal CD4 range for an HIV negative person is between 460 and 1600. This is an average. Anywhere in this range is good.

Although generally a higher CD4 is good, an HIV negative person with a normal CD4 count of 1200 is not more healthy than someone whose normal count is 400.

The exact CD4 count is not so important. CD4 counts can vary from day to day and even from hour to hour. So the general CD4 result is more important than the exact number.

A normal CD8 range is from 150 to 1000. This test is not used as much but the results come together. It is more important to know your CD4 count than your CD8 count.

CD4 percentage (CD4%)

If you get a CD4 count that is ever unexpectedly high or low, then your CD4% (CD4 percentage) can show whether this is a real change in immune function. The CD4% is a more stable marker than the absolute CD4 count.

The CD4 percentage refers to percentage of total lymphocytes that are CD4 cells. If your test reports CD4% = 34%, that means that 34% of your lymphocytes are CD4 cells.

The average normal CD4% for HIV negative adults is about 40%. However, as with CD4 counts and other test, the range for a “normal” result in an HIV negative person is also wide – from about 25% to 65%.

CD4:CD8 ratio

The CD4:CD8 ratio is also sometimes used, but less often. This is a measure of how balanced your immune function is. This calculated by dividing the CD4 result by the CD8 result.

In HIV negative people, the normal range for the CD4:CD8 ratio is between 0.9 and 1.9. This means that there are about 1 to 2 CD4 cells for every CD8 cell.

When not on HIV treatment, just like the CD4 count and CD4%, the CD4:8 ratio drops over time. Eventually, unless you start treatment, there will be more CD8 cells than CD4 cells (i.e. the ratio drops to less than 1.0).

The CD4:CD8 ratio might be better at predicting future risk in people whose CD4 count is high (above 500 cells/mm3). However, not all studies agree on this.

Other studies have shown that starting ART soon after HIV infection has a much higher chance of keeping the CD4:CD8 ratio higher than 1.0.

Note: this answer was last updated in January 2018 from a post that was originally published in December 2006.


  1. Jerry

    I’m HIV positive and my CD4 count is way lower than 200, what does this mean?

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Dhuruv,

    At the moment there isn’t a cure for HIV. However, ARVs are excellent at controlling HIV.

  3. Dhuruv

    My cd4 is 669 and I’m still positive, can someone suggest me something to be negative?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Eather,

    No. Someone can be negative and still have a CD4 count lower than 460. For more info, please see here:

  5. Esther

    thus when CD4 count is less than 460 then automatically a person is HIV positive?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anon,

    ARVs are what someone needs if they want to decrease their viral load and increase their CD4 count.

  7. Anon

    I am glad to hear the comment from “phd positive”. My partner was recently diagnosed with CD4 of 53 and viral load 3 million+ I have been extremely worried about longevity. I dont know where I can get detailed information on the numbers and how to help improve them… Any ideas anyone?

  8. Simon Collins

    Hi Johnson. Unfortunately, you can’t tell from a CD4 count when someone became HIV positive. As any CD4 count higher than 500 is strong and good, this shows that HIV hasn’t had much impact yet. A small number of people however have a strong immune response to HIV and they keep a high CD4 count for many years.

  9. Johnson

    Someone with cd4 count of 848 is a newly infected person

  10. phd positive

    i stated with a cd4 of 97 and vl in the millions 2 years later i am UD and cd4 844


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