
My baby vomits after taking nevirapine.

My baby vomits soon after taking nevirapine. What can I do?


Hi, how are you doing?

How long after giving baby nevirapine do they vomit? If it is an hour later, nevirapine will already be absorbed and it is still going to work.

If it is less than this, you can give baby an additional dose of nevirapine – if they will not vomit again.

Have you spoken with your nurse/doctor about what position to hold baby? Changing baby’s position can help keep their medication down. If you have, speaking with your doctor about other possibilities can help establish how best to give baby their treatment.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Caitlin, at i-base we are not doctors and cannot provide medical advice. Currently the recommendation is to continue giving baby Novatrim as prescribed from when you had last seen your doctor.

    If you are thinking about changing/stopping giving treatment and baby is still well, it is advised to either speak with your pharmacist or the doctor that had prescribed the medication.

  2. Caitlin

    Hi Josh, thank you so much for responding. I am thinking of going to see a doctor something by this week he vomits the novatrim everytime he has it. He has rash but I think it’s due to the heat and the rest of the other symptoms you’ve mentioned he doesn’t have it. My question is should I continue giving it to him even though I know the outcome?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Caitlin, it is. great that your viral load was LTD before birth. There is no reason to think this will change after birth.

    Are you able to have baby seen sooner than the 10 weeks? Does this vomiting happen every time baby has Novatrim? When you give it to baby do you notice any redness around baby’s mouth or rashes, changes in breathing and any changes to their bowel movements?

    As baby is vomiting so soon after taking treatment they should be seen by a medical professional to make sure the treatment is appropriate for them.

  4. Caitlin

    Hi once again. I hold baby upright and give him the medicine. I’ve never had this problem with the nevirapine he took, it never made him vomit once. He vomits the meds like 3/4 minutes after taking it sometimes immediately. My VL was LTD when I gave birth and I’m yet to take bloods when we’re going for the 10 weeks check up

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Caitlin, how are you holding baby when you give them Novatrim? and how long does it take for baby to vomit after being given Novatrim? and does baby vomit with anything else?

    Novatrim is an antibiotic used while breastfeeding. It is used to prevent other infections that can be passed on via breastmilk, it is not used to prevent HIV. Are you on treatment yourself and do you know your viral load?

    If you are still struggling to give baby their medication/feed, are you able to contact your health visitor/feeding nurse and they will be able to teach you techniques on how to help give baby medication without them vomiting.

  6. Caitlin

    Hi there, my baby is 6 weeks and we were given novatrim to continue with. However my baby vomit the novatrim everytime I give it to him. I’m so worried, will it affect him? Will he be infected?


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