Q and A


Should my baby take nevirapine or novatrim?

Hello, should my 3 month old baby continue talking nevirapine? or must she only take novatrim? Is nevirapine same as novatrim?


Hi, how are you doing?

Congratulations on your baby.

At 3 months baby does not need to be on nevirapine. After 12 weeks there is no longer any benefit for baby to continue taking it.

Nevirapine and novatrim are different types of medication. Nevirapine is to prevent HIV. Novatrim is an antibiotic (co-trimoxazole) used to prevent other infections. Baby should stay on this and they can remain on Novatrim for a while.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mirriam, congratulations on having a baby. Novatrim is usually given to baby for as long as they are being breastfed.

  2. Mirriam

    Hi… how long should my baby continue taking novatrim?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Tee, if your baby is feeling sick, it is probably better to just wait until tomorrow for the next dose. Novatrim is a dual antibiotic and so long as she is generally taking this every day, then missing one day will be okay.

  4. Tee

    Hi Tee here, this morning I gave my baby novatrim (cotrimoxazole) and she was crying until she vomits,, should I give her another one or should I give tomorrow now?… Thanks

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Amalia, congratulations on having a baby. How often is your baby pooping? How is baby being fed? It is common for newborns to be constipated. Constipation is more common with formula fed babies. This is common and is explained more here: https://www.nhs.uk/start4life/baby/feeding-your-baby/bottle-feeding/bottle-feeding-challenges/constipation-and-bottle-feeding/

  6. Amalia

    My 7 weeks baby is on novatrim, ever since then he hasn’t pooped or when he poop his stool is mixed with something like scrambled pills. Please help am getting worried that there is something is wrong with my baby.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sipho, you will need to ask the doctor/pharmacist where you got this from.

  8. Sipho

    Hi how many ml of novatrim can i give for my 10 weeks baby

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sharon, no you were not overdosing her. As Novatrim and nevirapine are different classes of medication, giving both together was not causing an overdose.

    There would have been no harm with baby continuing with nevirapine.

  10. Sharon

    Thank you very much….. so which means l overdosing her because was giving her both nevarapine and novatrim does tht makes her medicine to work properly


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