Q and A


Should my baby take nevirapine or novatrim?

Hello, should my 3 month old baby continue talking nevirapine? or must she only take novatrim? Is nevirapine same as novatrim?


Hi, how are you doing?

Congratulations on your baby.

At 3 months baby does not need to be on nevirapine. After 12 weeks there is no longer any benefit for baby to continue taking it.

Nevirapine and novatrim are different types of medication. Nevirapine is to prevent HIV. Novatrim is an antibiotic (co-trimoxazole) used to prevent other infections. Baby should stay on this and they can remain on Novatrim for a while.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Babe, giving the baby nevirapine and septrin together is fine. There is no problem by giving baby these two medications together.

    Nevirapine is usually only given for 6 weeks after birth. There is no benefit to continue with nevirapine for longer than this. How long have you been waiting for these test results?

  2. Babe

    A friend of mine is on art and she did not breast feed the baby and have the baby tru c-section , and she gave the baby Nevirapine everyday for six weeks and the baby result as not yet out and they still give the mother septrin drug to give the baby why is the baby still given septrin drug when the result is not yet out? and secondly the reason why am sacred is that they told her to give the baby both Nevirapine and septrin till the nevirapine finish is that not too high for 6weeks baby ?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mahlako, yes it is safe to continue breastfeeding. What treatment has been stopped for baby?

    After 6 months it is safe to mix feed and you can use formula and start to introduce soli foods. Mix feeding no longer has any risk of transmission to baby.

    As you are undetectable there is no requirement for baby to be on nevirapine after 4 weeks of age. Some doctors suggest remaining on co-trimoxaozle while breastfeeding, though if you have a healthy immune system and on treatment there is no additional risk of passing on other infections via breastmilk.

  4. Mahlako

    Hi I’m mahlako I’m on ART and my baby is 6 months and at the clinic they told me that they stopped giving baby’s treatment.and they said I must continue breastfeeding.so I’m scared cos I don’t know if my baby will be safe if I continue breastfeeding.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    HI Sihle, congratulations on having a baby and it is great to hear that you are both on treatment.

    Has baby had any HIV tests yet?

    As you have now started treatment you are doing everything right for baby. How is baby being fed now?

    It is impossible to know what baby’s risk is as it will be different for everyone. By starting treatment you are doing everything you can to prevent transmission and reduce the risk to as low as possible.

    How have you been coping since finding out that you are HIV positive?

  6. Sihle

    Me and my baby have 3 days now on medication.. Shes taking navirapine and novatrim and am on Arvs…

    Still waiting for my results on my viral load and also waiting for her results. She 3months now. We just found out that am positive am mixe feeding…
    I don’t know if my baby is infected bcz I didn’t know. What are her chances…

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ntswaki, congratulations on having a baby. It is great that baby has tested negative. How is baby being fed? At 10 weeks if baby is confirmed negative and is only having formula feed there is no need for baby to take medication. This includes nevirapine and novatrim.

  8. Ntswaki

    Last week we went for 10 weeks an they said my baby born negative an they didn’t gave me medicine after novatrim why?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Snalo, no this does not mean baby is positive. All babies born to HIV positive mothers are given Novatrim. Novatrim is an antibiotic used to prevent other infections that mum/baby may be at risk of.

  10. Snalo

    To be given novatrim suspension for baby does that mean a baby is hiv positive?


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