
Will my viral load go back up?

Hello, I did my viral load in 2020 November and it’s TARGET NOT SEEN (TNS), same result in November 2021(TNS). I don’t know the meaning of that till now, I asked someone and she said viral load is less zero(-0).

Is there any chance to remain like that or it can still shoot up? Because I use my Meds RELIGIOUSLY @ 7:30am from my bed every single day. I use ACRIPTEGA.



Hi, how are you?

Taking your medication daily means your viral load will remain suppressed. There are occasional instances where your viral load might become detectable. But these are not common and often return to be undetectable. This is explained more here.

Target not seen does not mean that your viral load is less than 0. It just means that your viral load is not high enough to be detected. As an example the test you use may only detect 20 copies and above. If you had a viral load of 19 it would read as TNS.

You have an excellent viral load. Continuing with Acriptega daily is going to continue to suppress HIV.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Angela, after testing positive it is not possible to test negative – even if you are on treatment and undetectable.

  2. Angela

    Is it possible for a one born with Hiv after 13 is seem to be nefative?


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