Q and A


Am I experiencing side effects 3 weeks after PEP?

I had sex with a random person and the condom broke few minutes before I came. I pulled out when I was about to cum. I told this person to do her HIV test and she did 2 tests with a home test kit and the 2 results were different, one negative and the other positive from the picture she sent me.

Immediately I saw this I called a helpline concerning HIV and PEP. I was advised to go to the nearest pharmacy to get PEP which I started within 36 – 48 hours after exposure which was on the 7th May 2022.

It’s being 4 weeks post pep now. On the 3rd week after PEP. I developed prickling feelings all over my body, my back, chest, legs, hands and face. Now on the 5th week. Because of this I did an home test for HIV which both were negative, but I still wasn’t convinced due to these prickling feeling all over my body after PEP. I went googling one morning and googled all day and immediately I developed a bitter taste in my mouth and loss of appetite which is resolving itself now. And I also had a little cut on my finger nails from cutting my nails and has refused to heal after days it happened.

I don’t know if this is the side effect of the medication or not . Or if this may be symptoms of seroconversion. The PEP medication I use was Acriptega.


Hi, how are you doing?

After 3 weeks it is not likely that your symptoms are being caused by PEP. The half life of Acriptega is not long enough to remain in your body without a side effect until 3 weeks – you would have experienced this during your course of PEP.

Your symptoms are not suggestive of seroconversion. Tingling can be caused by a number of things – it can even be normal. Have you been able to speak to a doctor about these symptoms?

It is possible that theses are being caused by stress.

Testing negative twice and using a suitable combination for PEP within 72 hours means seroconversion is not likely. Do you know the type of test? Was it a 3rd or 4th generation test? 



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Pascal

    Please see the info here on PEP that includes testing:

    And here for general info on HIV and testing:

    No doctor should have prescribed PEP after 13 days. It will have no benefit and the doctor was breaking guidelines for prescribing PEP.

  2. Pascal

    I had sex with a woman and idon’t know her statures but I use condom and during the sex I remove my penis from her virgina and after 2 minutes my penis stand up again and we continue till I ejeculated and I don’t know how I remove the condom from peins and i hold the condom with tissue in my hand and take shower with ,within 72 hour I started pep because I was Afraid after 13 days I was started pep I started having sysptoms like sensation pains and numbness around all my body include my chest and foot with hand

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Richard, please follow this link for more information: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  4. Richard

    Hi My name is Richard, I had sex a girl with whom we had not been together for 3 Yrs but during my entry the condom burst but immediately before I could start performing I removed out and put on another condom but since I don’t know her status, I become worried after the sex. What could be the chances of me getting HIV since there is no friction that had occured since I pull out after realizing the Condom has busted

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi AB, if the condom slipped when you were pulling out does this mean that the condom was on during sex? If it was and it only came off when you were pulling out there is no risk of transmission.

    Please follow this link for more information: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

    The current symptoms you have are not a sign of HIV. They are also not caused by PEP as it has been 2 weeks since your last dose. It is possible that they are caused by something else e.g., another infection. Or it could be the stress around HIV is having an effect on your body.

  6. AB

    Please I hard sex with a friend but I used condom and the condom slipped when I was pulling out after releasing. I wiped around before I took a shower. So after my shower I did a test for her and she was hiv positive Then I quickly rushed to a facility for PEP Acriptega. I started within 7-8 hours after the incident. Am done with the PEP now. This is my two weeks post PEP but I usually have tingling on my lower and upper extremities and fatigue usually in the morning so I don’t know if it is the side effects of drug or Seroconversion period but I did the test today and it was negative… Am confused

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Brayan, have you noticed any other symptoms? and have you finished your course of PEP?

    Please follow this link for more information: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  8. Brayan

    I had a sex with an infected lady .After two days I start thinking about what I did at the same time I realised that the girl had a syphilis and a ran to a doctor and have pep .Four weeks ago I start seeing some rashes on my hand and I’m worried about this…..

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Charles, at i-base we are not trained doctors. We cannot comment/evaluate on your chest – you will need to speak to your own doctor about this. As i-base is designed for HIV treatment information, I cannot provide further assistance while you are testing.

    Acriptega is a first line recommendation for PEP. It is as effective as any combination of PEP.

  10. Charles

    Hello Josh,

    Thanks for your reply, I used U-test hiv home test kit which was done from a finger prick myself. One more thing, I have been paying attention to my body changes and I noticed few days ago some read dots on my chest, over 4 or 5 that later turned into acne on my chest. I continued googling and I must say anxiety is catching up with me. I spend most hours of my day googling about HIV online. Today I had the bitter taste again in my mouth and it’s hard for me to eat. Almost my whole chest is full of little dark acne and because of this I have been really restless because I can’t tell if they are HIV rash or not. Is there a way I can send you picture of my chest to evaluate it for me? No other symptoms apart from the tingling feeling all over my body which comes and goes, the little red dots on my chest and a lot of little dark acne on my chest and the lost of appetite. And please how effective is only Acriptega for pep?


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