Q and A


Am I experiencing side effects 3 weeks after PEP?

I had sex with a random person and the condom broke few minutes before I came. I pulled out when I was about to cum. I told this person to do her HIV test and she did 2 tests with a home test kit and the 2 results were different, one negative and the other positive from the picture she sent me.

Immediately I saw this I called a helpline concerning HIV and PEP. I was advised to go to the nearest pharmacy to get PEP which I started within 36 – 48 hours after exposure which was on the 7th May 2022.

It’s being 4 weeks post pep now. On the 3rd week after PEP. I developed prickling feelings all over my body, my back, chest, legs, hands and face. Now on the 5th week. Because of this I did an home test for HIV which both were negative, but I still wasn’t convinced due to these prickling feeling all over my body after PEP. I went googling one morning and googled all day and immediately I developed a bitter taste in my mouth and loss of appetite which is resolving itself now. And I also had a little cut on my finger nails from cutting my nails and has refused to heal after days it happened.

I don’t know if this is the side effect of the medication or not . Or if this may be symptoms of seroconversion. The PEP medication I use was Acriptega.


Hi, how are you doing?

After 3 weeks it is not likely that your symptoms are being caused by PEP. The half life of Acriptega is not long enough to remain in your body without a side effect until 3 weeks – you would have experienced this during your course of PEP.

Your symptoms are not suggestive of seroconversion. Tingling can be caused by a number of things – it can even be normal. Have you been able to speak to a doctor about these symptoms?

It is possible that theses are being caused by stress.

Testing negative twice and using a suitable combination for PEP within 72 hours means seroconversion is not likely. Do you know the type of test? Was it a 3rd or 4th generation test? 



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Rick, what is the name of the PEP you are taking? PEP can be made up of different drugs with different side effects.

    Most people do not have a problem while taking PEP. For the most part there are no specific side effects you need to be watching out for.

    For more information about PEP please see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  2. Rick

    Hi, I am a sailor, while on a shore leave in Tanzania I had sex with a women who was most likely a sex worker and during sex my condom broke. Due to lack of time, I couldn’t visit any doctor for proper medical advice but a local got me a PEP. I didn’t get tested for any pre-existing conditions and started my PEP in about 13hrs. Right now I am headed to India and it’s a 11 days passage. What symptoms to watch out for so I don’t develop any bigger complications. For next 11 days I can not go to any doctor and there is a very limited medicine chest onboard. It’s my second day on PEP and I feeling a little numbness in my hand and mild jaw lock. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Erick, no these symptoms do not suggest HIV. As you are on PEP any symptom of HIV would be delayed until after the course is complete.

    PEP does not protect from other common illnesses like a cold or the flu. The symptoms you have are very common and do not suggest HIV, especially as you have been on PEP and taking it daily for the last 2 weeks

    PEP: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  4. ERICK

    Hi Josh , am on day14 of PEP (TLD) and am taking it effectively, but I experience fever, muscles aches, joint pain n.k lymph nodes pain and sore throat,,, are these a symptom s of HIV?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Clark, how are you doing?

    No. These symptoms are not suggestive that PEP failed.

    As you completed a course of PEP starting as early as 8 hours after exposure, and continued daily for 30 days it makes your current symptoms to be very unlikely related to HIV. Experiencing these symptoms 5 weeks after the last dose of PEP would also be considered to late to be related to HIV.

    PEP will not protect you from other common illnesses like the cold or flu. You can test to confirm your status at 6 weeks after the last dose of PEP using a 4th generation test.

    PEP: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  6. Clark


    I had unprotected sex with a bar attendant who tested positive after the intercourse. I started PEP 8 hours later. I got this PEP from a local NGO which specialises in care for HIV infected persons. I took my PEP as prescribed at the same time everyday for 30 days. I completed the dose on 06/11/2023 and then yesterday on 14/12/2023, I developed a sever sore throat. Today morning I woke up with joint pains as well around my arms. Now I feel like that my sore throat is also developing cough. I have no any other signs of early seroconversion like lymph nodes, headache etc. The PEP I took had 3 drugs combination and the tablet had letters written as “LTD”

    Can the above symptoms indicate that PEP did not work. I have not done any test since completion of PEP and I am anxious to any test.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi David, this rash you have described has not been caused by PEP. Within a day of stopping PEP, the drug will have been eliminated from your body. Experiencing a rash 32 days after the last dose is too long a time to be a side effect of PEP.

    The thirst and rash are not signs of seroconversion/HIV. It is even less likely given that you started PEP and your partner was on ART meaning the risk of transmission is low to non-existent.

    It is a good sign that you have tested negative once. To confirm your status after this exposure you can test at 42 days after the last dose of PEP using a 4th generation test.

    For any more information about PEP please see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  8. David

    Today is my 33 day after the last dosage of PEP. I developed rash on the hands, thighs and on the legs. The first rash appeared on 26th day while I was still taking the PEP. The PEP lasted for 28 days.The initial rash later on disappeared. As I am typing now, today is the 33 day after PEP and I have many very small rash on my hands for about 3 days now. Then few of them are a little bit large in size also present especially on my hands. Yesterday (on thirty second day after PEP) I felt a sharp itching pain slightly above the waist line (both sides). When I scratched the area I was experiencing the pain, the itching area swelled, forming a large raised red bump. However the bumps disappeared after sometimes. Today the same case has happened but this time on my hands. I have also been experiencing burning/aching muscles since I started taking PEP.
    I started the PEP dosage 9 hours after the potential exposure to HIV from a lady who claimed to be taking the ARVS as prescribed by the doctors. The condom broke in the middle of an intercourse. The second and the third round we played unprotected sex because already the condom had broken initially so I just knew I was to go for the medication, PEP.
    I have also been feeling thirsty every time. Taking more water is not helping to quench the thirst. The thirsty is not so savere, but I am able to feel that I have thirst. It’s still present. I am not sure if PEP worked. Are these the early symptoms for acute HIV? I tested in the hospital where the medicines were prescribed for me immediately PEPs ended, the result was negative. I took the dosage exactly as I was prescribed to take.
    Please advice me. Do not refer me to the links. I have browsed I think everything about HIV & AIDS. Thanking you in advance.

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tumi, missing a single dose of PEP is not going to stop your treatment from working. As you had completed your course it means that HIV is a very unlikely cause for your current symptoms.

    Have you been to see your doctor about this ‘lump’ in your throat? and have you noticed any other symptoms like a fever, rashes or a cough?

    PEP: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  10. tumi

    Hi Josh, I was on Acriptega as PEP and I missed a day while on it. There were also days where I took it 2/3 ours later than the day before.

    I am now 2 weeks post PEP and realised that the bottom of my neck is swollen on both sides and feel like there is a lump in my throat. Could this be the early signs of HIV?


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