Q and A


Do I have to take Luvigen in the morning?

I want to know is it only mornings that you can take Luvigen?


Hi, how are you doing?

Luvigen is a generic combination of TLD. This means that it contains dolutegravir. It is recommended to take Luvigen in the morning because dolutegravir can stop you sleeping.

Taking it in the morning means this side effect wears off by the time you go to bed.

You can move the time you take Luvigen, but it is possible it will affect how you sleep.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Wadzanai, how often are you being switched between treatment types? and have they explained why this is happening?

    Luvigen is a generic version of TLD. It contains dolutegravir. Combinations containing dolutegravir should be taken in the morning. Luvigen can cause problems sleeping which is possibly causing the fatigue you are experiencing. By moving your treatment to the morning, this side effect should wear off and your sleep will improve.

    It is safe to take treatment as normal in the evening and take a following dose in the morning. You can then continue with treatment at the morning time.

  2. Wadzanai

    Hie Doctor I m hiv taking LUVIGEN but my problem is fatigue. I m talking it at 9:00 at night should I try to switch the time or becoz some day I m ok some days it’s too much. At clinic then keep changing drugs like using TEE then here I go back to LUVIGEN so this changing pattern is giving fatigue what should I do. Thanks God bless you

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Charmer, do you know the viral load of your partner and/or did you use a condom during sex?

    Luvigen is a generic version of TLD. TLD is an HIV treatment combination suitable to be used as PEP. PEP is only recommended in cases of high transmission risk. If this was low e.g., using condoms, low viral load or safe practises during sex, PEP would not be needed.

    More information about PEP (Luvigen) can be found here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  4. Charmer

    Is Luvigen recommended after sleeping with a positive partner,?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Picklerick, yes you can have sex while on Luvigen. Luvigen will be able to suppress HIV. When your viral load is below 200 and you are taking Luvigen there will be no risk of transmission to your parter.

    This is explained by U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

    Yes you can smoke while on treatment. Smoking will not interact with how Luvigen works.

  6. picklerick_2005

    Hi i just want to know if you can have sex on Luvigen and can you also smoke while using it please.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Pamella, there is no right time to take Luvigen. The right time is the time that best suits you and means you can take it at the same time each day without a problem.

    Luvigen is usually recommended to be taken in the morning to avoid problems sleeping. This is not a side effect that happens with everyone and it is okay to take Luvigen in the evening if this is a better time for you.

  8. Pamella

    Hi what is the exactly the right time to take Luvigen between day and night?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zee, Luvigen is a generic version of TLD. TLD contains a drug called dolutegravir. This drug is known to cause problems sleeping.

    This side effect can be prevented by switching the time of your medication. By taking Luvigen in the morning instead of the evening the effect it has on sleep should wear off by the time you are going to bed.

    Luvigen is still just as effective when taken in the morning instead of the evening. You would be able to switch the time of your medication straight away e.g., 8pm tonight and then 8am the next morning. You can then continue with treatment at 8am instead and this should prevent the impact it is having on your sleep.

  10. Zee

    I have been taking Luvigen for almost a year at 8pm i have a trouble sleeping kindly assist


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