
Do I have to take Luvigen in the morning?

I want to know is it only mornings that you can take Luvigen?


Hi, how are you doing?

Luvigen is a generic combination of TLD. This means that it contains dolutegravir. It is recommended to take Luvigen in the morning because dolutegravir can stop you sleeping.

Taking it in the morning means this side effect wears off by the time you go to bed.

You can move the time you take Luvigen, but it is possible it will affect how you sleep.



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Wilson, this is not a common side effect but have you tried taking the meds with food in case this helps. This might only be short term but please talk to your doctor or pharmacist about things that might help, for example imodium or diet changes, also discussed here:

  2. Wilson

    I’m taking Luvigen in the afternoon around 8 pm but after a week I have diarrhea every day.

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Beauty. [ls don’t worry about this. It is easy to change to a different routine. Most people take TLD (ie Luvigen) in the morning.

  4. Beauty

    Hie am new here am taking my Luvigen at 23 hrs l have no problem is it possible to change the time pliz help me l start this week on Wednesday


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