Q and A


Does TLD interact with Omeprazole?

Please I-base, I am on dolutegravir, lamivudine and tenofovir. I want to know if I can take Omeprazole BD for peptic Ulcer

Is there a possibility of drug interaction?


Hi, how are you doing?

No. There is no interaction between TLD and Omeprazole. You can take them together.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ahmad, for the reasons you have mentioned it is advised that a PPI do not be taken for the 6 hours before or the 2 hours after taking TLD. This will ensure there is long enough between medications to prevent any interaction.

    TLD should be taken within the same hour every day e.g., if your regular time is 11am, TLD should be taken between 10:30am and 11:30am. It is still advisable to remain as close to the same time each day as possible.

  2. Ahmad


    1. Can taking PPIs interact with TLD (HIV ARV)? Since TLD is taken daily in the morning and requires high acidity for its efficacy, is there any interaction? Can we postpone taking the PPI, such as Nexium or Rabezol, for 1 hour?

    2. Is it necessary to take TLD on time, or can I follow the rule of taking the daily recommended dose every day?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Christine, yes this is a common side effect. A headache is also a very common problem in general. It is possible that this headache is caused by something else e.g., dehydrated, tired or even being stressed about PEP.

  4. Christine

    I’m taking pep and it’s my second day … I’m experiencing headache is that a common side effect?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Emmanuel, how long after taking the drug are you feeling this?

  6. Emmanuel

    After taking the drug, I feel the 2 side of my stomach. Honestly I am confused.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Emmanuel, what is causing you to consider that your kidney is at risk? Are you taking any pain medication? and for how long have you been taking these medications?

  8. Emmanuel

    I have peptic ulcer and currently on the same combination TLD thou I am also taking omeprazole and clarithromycin. But I am seriously having a big stomach pain. I have met a Dr here on Nigeria they insisted that is the ulcer but the pain is very much unbearable. I am afraid my kidney might be at risk.


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