Q and A


At what age do infants usually begin HIV treatment?


Thank you for your question.

Infant’s immune systems and CD4 counts are quite different to adults and so when to start treatment can be a little more complicated in young children. The guidelines have changed significantly in the last few years. When to start treatment depends on lots of things such as age, CD4 count and percentage, if they are showing symptoms and their viral load.

The guidelines for treating infants in the UK are as follows:

  • Babies should be started on treatment as soon as they are diagnosed
  • Children aged 12 months or more who are showing HIV-related symptoms should be started on treatment
  • Children aged 12 months or more with no or minor HIV-related symptoms should be started according to their CD4%. The percentage at which they should start ARVs depends on age:

1 to <3 years – CD4% <25%, or less than 1000 cells/mm3

3 to <5 years – CD4 %<20%, or less than 500 cells/mm3

Above 5 years – CD4 count less than 350 cells/mm3

  • If children aged 12 months or more with no or minor HIV-related symptoms have CD4 counts and percentages higher than those mentioned above then the viral load is considered. If the viral load is above 100,000 copies/mL then treatment should be considered.

For more information on infant treatment pleas follow this link to the Children’s HIV Association (CHIVA) guidelines


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